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Create MobileFirst projects from MobileFirst project templates

We can use MobileFirst project templates to create MobileFirst projects. We can select templates available in the download folder.

If wer owner of a MobileFirst project template has provided FIXME tasks, they are displayed in the Tasks tab. To view them, we need to enable the FIXME tasks view:

  1. In MobileFirst Studio, click Project > Properties > General > Editors > Structured Text Editors > Task Tags.

  2. Click Enable searching for Task Tags.

  3. Click Apply > OK. The Task tab is displayed. When creating a MobileFirst project from a MobileFirst project template, the Task tab lists any FIX Me tasks to be completed.

  1. In MobileFirst Studio, click File > New > MobileFirst Project. The New MobileFirst Project window opens.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the project.

  3. From the Project Templates pane, click Shared Templates, and then click Next. For information about the Hybrid Application, Inner Application, Native API, and Shell Component options, see Create MobileFirst projects.

  4. In the Application name field, enter a name for the application, and then click one of the templates available from the list. The list displays templates available in the download folder. (For information about configuring the download folder, see Configure application component and template preferences.)

  5. To complete the creation of the project.from the highlighted project template, click Finish. The Design perspective is opened. The Tasks view shows the FIX Me tasks available (if any) within the template content. Links are provided to positions within the template, and accompanying descriptions explain what is configurable.

  6. Optional: Review the list of FIX Me tasks available in the Tasks view, and apply any appropriate fixes.


The new MobileFirst project is added to the Explorer view in MobileFirst Studio. The project includes all resources that are included in the selected template.

Parent topic: MobileFirst project templates