Quick Start Guide for AMS on UNIX
Use this guide to quickly configure Advanced Message Security to provide message security on UNIX. By the time you complete it, we will have created a key database to verify user identities, and defined signing/encryption policies for the queue manager.
Before starting
We should have at least the following components installed on the system:- Runtime
- Server
- Sample programs
- IBM Global Security Kit
- Advanced Message Security
Refer to the following topics for the component names on each specific platform:
Parent topic: User scenarios
We can use IBM MQ Explorer to
create the queue manager QM_VERIFY_AMS and its local queue called TEST.Q by using
all the default wizard settings, or we can use the commands found in
MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/bin. Remember that we must be a member of the
mqm user group to run the following administrative commands.
To encrypt the message, the interceptor requires the private key of the sending user and the
public key(s) of the recipient(s). Thus, the key database of user identities mapped to public and
private keys must be created. In the real system, where users and applications are dispersed over
several computers, each user would have its own private keystore. Similarly, in this guide, we
create key databases for alice and bob and share the user
certificates between them.
1. Creating a queue manager and a queue
About this task
All the following examples use a queue named TEST.Q for passing messages
between applications. Advanced Message Security uses interceptors to sign
and encrypt messages at the point they enter the IBM MQ infrastructure through the standard IBM MQ interface.
The basic setup is done in IBM MQ and is configured in
the following steps.
If the procedure completed successfully, the following command entered into
runmqsc will display details about TEST.Q:
2. Creating and authorizing users
About this task
There are two users that appear in this example: alice, the sender, and
bob, the receiver. To use the application queue, these users need to be granted
authority to use it. Also to successfully use the protection policies that we will define these
users must be granted access to some system queues. For more information about the
setmqaut command refer to setmqaut.
useradd alice
useradd bob
setmqaut -m QM_VERIFY_AMS -t qmgr -p alice -p bob +connect +inq
setmqaut -m QM_VERIFY_AMS -n TEST.Q -t queue -p alice +put
setmqaut -m QM_VERIFY_AMS -n TEST.Q -t queue -p bob +get
setmqaut -m QM_VERIFY_AMS -t queue -n SYSTEM.PROTECTION.POLICY.QUEUE -p alice -p bob +browse
setmqaut -m QM_VERIFY_AMS -t queue -n SYSTEM.PROTECTION.ERROR.QUEUE -p alice -p bob +put
User groups are now created and the required authorities granted to them. This way users
who are assigned to those groups will also have permission to connect to the queue manager and to
put and get from the queue.
What to do next
To verify if the steps were carried out correctly, use the amqsput and
amqsget samples as described in section 8. Testing encryption.
3. Creating key database and certificates
About this task
mkdir /home/alice/.mqs -p
runmqakm -keydb -create -db /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb -pw passw0rd -stash
chmod +r /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb
runmqakm -cert -create -db /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb -pw passw0rd
-label Alice_Cert -dn "cn=alice,O=IBM,c=GB" -default_cert yes
chown alice /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.sth
chmod 600 /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.sth
The two users alice and bob each now have a self-signed
4. Creating keystore.conf
About this task
We must point Advanced Message Security interceptors to the
directory where the key databases and certificates are located. This is done via the
keystore.conf file, which hold that information in the plain text form. Each
user must have a separate keystore.conf file. This step should be done for both
alice and bob. The content of
keystore.conf must be of the form:
cms.keystore = dir/keystore_file
cms.certificate = certificate_label
For this scenario, the contents of the keystore.conf will be as
cms.keystore = /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey
cms.certificate = Alice_Cert
5. Sharing Certificates
About this task
Share the certificates between the two key databases so that each user can successfully
identify the other. This is done by extracting each user's public certificate to a file, which is
then added to the other user's key database. Note: Take care to use the extract option, and
not the export option. Extract gets the user's public key, whereas export gets
both the public and private key. Using export by mistake would completely compromise your
application, by passing on its private key.
runmqakm -cert -extract -db /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Alice_Cert -target alice_public.arm
runmqakm -cert -add -db /home/bob/.mqs/bobkey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Alice_Cert -file alice_public.arm
runmqakm -cert -extract -db /home/bob/.mqs/bobkey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Bob_Cert -target bob_public.arm
runmqakm -cert -add -db /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Bob_Cert -file bob_public.arm
The two users alice and bob are now able to successfully
identify each other having created and shared self-signed certificates.
What to do next
Verify that a certificate is in the keystore by running the following commands which print
out its details:
runmqakm -cert -details -db /home/bob/.mqs/bobkey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Alice_Cert
runmqakm -cert -details -db /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Bob_Cert
6. Defining queue policy
About this task
With the queue manager created and interceptors prepared to intercept messages and access
encryption keys, we can start defining protection policies on QM_VERIFY_AMS using
the setmqspl command. Refer to setmqspl for more information on this command. Each policy name must be the same
as the queue name it is to be applied to.
This is an example of a policy defined for the TEST.Q queue. In this
example, messages are signed by the user alice using the SHA1
algorithm, and encrypted using the 256-bit AES algorithm. alice is
the only valid sender and bob is the only receiver of the messages on this queue:
setmqspl -m QM_VERIFY_AMS -p TEST.Q -s SHA1 -a "CN=alice,O=IBM,C=GB" -e AES256 -r "CN=bob,O=IBM,C=GB"
Note: The DNs match exactly those specified in the receptive user's certificate from the key
What to do next
To verify the policy you have defined, issue the following command:
dspmqspl -m QM_VERIFY_AMS
To print the policy details as a set of
setmqspl commands, use the -export flag. This allows storing
already defined policies:
dspmqspl -m QM_VERIFY_AMS -export >restore_my_policies.bat
7. Testing the setup
About this task
By running different programs under different users we can verify if the application has
been properly configured.
cd /opt/mqm/samp/bin
su alice
su bob
If the application has been configured properly for both users, the user
alice 's message is displayed when bob runs the getting
8. Testing encryption
About this task
To verify that the encryption is occurring as expected, create an alias queue which
references the original queue TEST.Q. This alias queue will have no security policy
and so no user will have the information to decrypt the message and therefore the encrypted data
will be shown.
setmqaut -m QM_VERIFY_AMS -n TEST.ALIAS -t queue -p bob +browse
The output from the amqsbcg application will show the encrypted data that
is on the queue proving that the message has been encrypted.