Code page conversion

This section describes codeset names and CCSIDs, national language, z/OS conversion, IBM i conversion, and Unicode conversion support.

Each national language section lists the following information:

  • The native CCSIDs supported
  • The code page conversions that are not supported

The following terms are used in the information:

    Indicates IBM MQ for AIX.

    Indicates IBM MQ for Linux for Intel and IBM MQ for Linux for zSeries.

    HP Integrity NonStop Server
    Indicates IBM MQ client for HP Integrity NonStop Server.

    Indicates IBM MQ for IBM i.

    Indicates IBM MQ for Windows.

    Indicates IBM MQ for z/OS.

The default for data conversion is for the conversion to be performed at the target (receiving) system.

If the source product supports the conversion a channel can be set up and data exchanged by setting the channel attribute DataConversion to YES at the source. Note:
  1. Conversion for IBM MQ MQI client information takes place in the server, so the server must support conversion from the client CCSID to the server CCSID.
  2. The conversion might include support added by CSD/PTF to the latest version of IBM MQ. Check the content of the latest service level to see if we need to install a CSD/PTF to enable this conversion.
  3. The IBM MQ queue manager CCSID must be Mixed or SBCS.
  4. Some CCSIDs, for example 850 on AIX, that are not supported by the operating system can still be used by the application and also can be set as the IBM MQ queue manager CCSID. This is allowed for backward compatibility purpose only and the conversion will fail if the relevant conversion tables are not installed.

See Table 1 for a cross-reference between some of the CCSID numbers and some industry codeset names.

  • Codeset names and CCSIDs
    Codeset names and the corresponding CCSIDs for each codeset name.
  • National languages
    This information contains languages supported by IBM MQ.
  • z/OS conversion support
    A list of supported CCSID conversions.
  • IBM i conversion support
    A full list of CCSIDs, and conversions supported by IBM i, can be found in the appropriate IBM i publication.
  • Unicode conversion support
    Some platforms support the conversion of user data to or from Unicode encoding. The two forms of Unicode encoding supported are UTF-16 (CCSIDs 1200, 13488, and 17584) and UTF-8 (CCSID 1208). We should use CCSIDs 1200 or 1208, as they represent the most recent Unicode version supported.

Parent topic: MQI applications reference

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