Where we can run MFT commands from

The following table summarize whether Managed File Transfer commands can be run locally or remotely.

Where the command is shown as:

  • Local only - the commands can only run on the local installation.
  • Local to agent - the commands can only run on the local agent installation relevant to that command.

    For example, the fteCreateBridgeAgent command can connect to the local bridge agent, shown as X (Bridge) and the fteCreateCDAgent command can connect to the local CD agent, shown as X (CD).

  • Local to logger agent- the commands can only run on the local logger installation.
  • Local and remote - we can run the command from any system that can connect to the command or coordination queue manager.

If there are no X characters for a command in the table, the command cannot be run in that situation.

Command name Local Local to agent Local to logger agent Local and remote
fteCancelTransfer       X
fteCleanAgent       X
fteCreateAgent   X    
fteCreateBridgeAgent   X (Bridge)    
fteCreateCDAgent   X (CD)    
fteCreateEnvironment   X    
fteCreateLogger     X  
fteDefine   X    
fteDelete   X    
fteDeleteAgent   X    
fteDeleteLogger     X  
fteDeleteMonitor       X
fteDeleteScheduledTransfer       X
fteDeleteTemplates       X
fteDisplayVersion X      
fteListAgents       X
fteListMonitors       X
fteListScheduledTransfers       X
fteListTemplates       X
fteMigrateAgent   X    
fteMigrateConfigurationOptions   X    
fteMigrateLogger     X  
fteModifyAgent   X    
fteModifyLogger     X  
fteObfuscate X      
ftePingAgent       X
fteRAS X      
fteSetAgentLogLevel   X    
fteSetAgentTraceLevel   X    
fteSetLoggerTraceLevel     X  
fteSetProductID X      
fteSetupCommands X      
fteSetupCoordination X      
fteShowAgentDetails       X
fteShowLoggerDetails       X
fteStartAgent   X    
fteStartLogger     X  
fteStopAgent   X    
fteStopLogger     X  
Parent topic: Which MFT commands and processes connect to which queue manager

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