fteClearMonitorHistory: clear resource monitor history
Use the fteClearMonitorHistory command to clear the history of a resource monitor.
The fteClearMonitorHistory command can be run from any system where the MFT commands component is installed. This allows you to clear the history from anywhere, rather than being restricted to the system where the agent that owns the resource monitor is running.
Running the fteClearMonitorHistory command puts a Clear Monitor History request XML message into the agent's command queue and a wait for a reply on a temporary reply queue. The agent completes the following actions:
- Processes the request message.
- Stops the specified resource monitor
- Clears the history of the specified resource monitor.
- Starts the specified resource monitor.
- -ma agentName
- Required. The name of the agent running the monitor operation.
- -mm queueManager
- Optional. The name of the queue manager the agent is connected to.
- -mn monitorName
- Required. The name of the monitor whose history is to be cleared. The characters '*', '%' and '?' are not allowed in monitor names.
- -p configurationOptions
- Optional. Determines the set of configuration options that is used to clear the history of the monitor. Use the name of a set of configuration options as the value for the -p parameter.
- -w timeout
- Optional. Specifies to wait for up to timeout seconds for the monitor to respond. If we do not specify a timeout, or specify a timeout value of minus one, then the command waits forever for the monitor to respond. If we do not specify this option then the default is to wait up to five seconds for the monitor to respond.
- -mquserid user_id
- Optional. Specifies the user ID to authenticate with the command queue manager.
- -mqpassword password
- Optional. Specifies the password to authenticate with the command queue manager. We must also specify the -mquserid parameter. If you specify -mquserid but do not also specify -mqpassword, we will be asked to supply the associated password by a prompt. The password will not be displayed on the screen.
The following example clears the history of the resource monitor JBSWIFT running in the agent JBAGENT:fteClearMonitorHistory -ma JBAGENT -mn JBSWIFTIf the history is cleared successfully, the fteClearMonitorHistory command outputs the following messages:BFGCL0780I: A request to clear history of resource monitor 'JBSWIFT' of agent 'JBAGENT' has been issued. BFGCL0251I: The request has successfully completed.If there is no response from the monitor within the specified timeout period, the fteClearMonitorHistory command outputs the following messages:BFGCL0780I: A request to clear history of resource monitor 'JBSWIFT' of agent 'JBAGENT' has been issued. BFGCL0253W: No acknowledgement to command from agent within timeout.If authority checking is enabled but the user running the fteClearMonitorHistory command does not have authority to clear the history (see Clearing resource monitor history), the command outputs the following messages:BFGCL0780I: A request to clear history of resource monitor 'JBSWIFT' of agent 'JBAGENT' has been issued. BFGCL0267E: This user is not authorized to perform the operation.
Resource monitor log
The outcome of running the fteClearMonitorHistory command is logged in the resource monitor log, resmonevents<number>.log, when the monitor history is cleared as shown in the following example:[07/01/2019 16:08:31:144 IST]00000026 F2FM2 Monitor Stopped Resource Monitor Stopped [07/01/2019 16:08:31:176 IST]00000026 F2FM2 History Cleared Monitor History has been cleared [07/01/2019 16:08:31:176 IST]00000026 F2FM2 Monitor Started Resource Monitor Started
Agent event log
The outcome of running the fteClearMonitorHistory command is also logged in the agent's output0.log, as shown in the following examples.
The fteClearMonitorHistory command successfully cleared the resource monitor history:BFGDM0123I: History of resource of monitor 'JBSWIFT' has been cleared as requested by user 'tjwatson' on host 'hostname'.The resource monitor history is empty when the fteClearMonitorHistory command is run:BFGDM0126I: Resource monitor 'JBSWIFT' does not have any items in its history. The request to clear history was submitted by user 'jbusr' on host 'hostname'.The fteClearMonitorHistory command is issued by the same user who created the monitor but this user does not have the required authority to clear the history (see Clearing resource monitor history):BFGDM0124E: User 'jbusr' has requested to clear the history of resource monitor 'JBSWIFT' but does not have either 'Monitor Operations' or 'MONITOR' authorities required to perform this operation.The fteClearMonitorHistory command is issued by a different user from the one who created the resource monitor but this user does not have the Monitor Operations authority to clear the history (see Clearing resource monitor history).BFGDM0125E: User 'loggerusr' has requested to clear the history of resource monitor 'JBSWIFT' that belongs to user 'jbusr' but does not have the required authority 'Monitor Operations' to perform this operation.Parent topic: MFT commands