MFT agent transfer states

A Managed File Transfer Agent that is started publishes its details to the SYSTEM.FTE topic on its coordination queue manager. These details include the states of each of the current transfers that involved that agent.

Transfer state Explanation
CancelledInProgressTransfer A source agent has received a cancel message for an in-progress transfer.
CancelledNewTransfer A source agent has received a cancel message for a new transfer.
CompletedTransfer A destination agent has completed the transfer and has sent a completion message to the source agent. The destination agent is waiting for an acknowledgment message from the source agent.
CompleteReceivedTransfer A source agent has received a completion message from the destination agent and has sent a message back to the destination agent to acknowledge the completion message.
FailedTransferEnding The transfer has failed but the completion log message has not been published and the transfer has not been removed from the state store. For example, this state can occur if an agent process is stopped after a failure response has been received from the destination agent but before the subsequent processing has been completed.
NegotiatingTransfer A source agent is in negotiation with the destination agent before running a transfer.
NewReceiverTransfer A new transfer has been created at the destination agent as part of negotiation, but the transfer is not yet running.
NewSenderTransfer A new transfer from the source agent that the negotiation has not started for.
RecoveringTransfer When either a source or destination agent starts the recovery process, any transfers in running state are moved into transfer state. Transfers are moved out of this state into ReSynchronisingTransfer state when a resynchronization message is sent to the peer agent.

For example, if the destination agent starts the recovery process for a running transfer, the transfer is moved into the ReSynchronisingTransfer state when a resynchronization message is sent to its source agent.

RecoveryTimedOut From Version 9.1.5, if a transfer recovery timeout is set for a transfer, the source agent moves the transfer into this state if transfer recovery times out. After the transfer has been resynchronized, the destination agent removes any part files that were created during the transfer and sends a completion message to the source agent.
RestartingTransfer A source or destination agent has received a resynchronize request message and is waiting for the respective destination or source agent to restart.
ResumingTransfer A source agent has received a resynchronize response message and now schedules the transfer to restart.
ReSynchronisingTransfer A transfer source or destination agent has found a problem and has sent a resynchronization message to its respective destination or source agent.
RunningTransfer A transfer from either a source agent or destination agent that is in the normal running state
WaitingForDestinationCapacity A source agent has received a DESTINATION_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED error from the destination agent. The transfer is now in a waiting state to be retried after a period.
Parent topic: MFT agent status message format

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