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Verify that MQIPT is working correctly

Use this simple configuration setup to ensure that MQIPT is installed correctly.

Before starting

About this task

Figure 1. Installation verification test network diagram

This diagram shows the connection from the IBM MQ client (called client1.company1.com on port 1415) through MQIPT to the IBM MQ server (called server1.company2.com on port 1414).


To verify that MQIPT is working correctly, complete the following steps:

  1. Define an MQIPT route. On the MQIPT computer, edit mqipt.conf and add a route definition:
  2. Start MQIPT. Open a command prompt and enter the following command:
    C:\mqipt\bin\mqipt C:\mqiptHome -n ipt1
    where C:\mqiptHome indicates the location of the MQIPT configuration file, mqipt.conf, and ipt1 is the name to be given to the instance of MQIPT. The following messages indicate that MQIPT has started successfully:
    5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2020 All Rights Reserved
    MQCPI001 IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru V9.2.0.0 starting
    MQCPI004 Reading configuration information from mqipt.conf
    MQCPI152 MQIPT name is ipt1
    MQCPI021 Password checking has been enabled on the command port
    MQCPI011 The path C:\mqiptHome\logs will be used to store the log files
    MQCPI006 Route 1415 has started and will forward messages to:
    MQCPI034 ....server1.company2.com(1414)
    MQCPI035 ....using MQ protocol
    MQCPI078 Route 1415 ready for connection requests
  3. At a command prompt on the IBM MQ client system, enter the following commands:
    1. Set the MQSERVER environment variable:
    2. Put a message:
      Hello world
      Press the Enter key twice after typing the message string.
    3. Get the message:
      The message, "Hello world" is returned.

  4. To stop IBM MQ, enter the following command:
    mqiptAdmin -stop -n ipt1

Parent topic: Getting started with IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru

Last updated: 2020-10-04