Migrating MFT to a new machine with a
different operating system
The core steps required to successfully achieve a migration of MFT configurations to a new system or platform. The
task is primarily focused on MFT configuration
migration, but also discusses queue manager migration where appropriate.
Before starting
Ensure that any agents we are going to migrate have completed any in-progress or pending
transfers, and that we have taken a back up of:
Important: IBM MQ installation names on one
system are unlikely to match the installation names on the new system unless the old and new systems
only have one installation, or you specify an installation name as part of the IBM MQ installation process.
About this task
The following migration procedure is based on the scenario where QMA is both
the coordination queue manager for topology, and the agent queue manager for an agent called
Agent1 has a monitor, transfer template and scheduled transfer.
QMA also connects to a queue manager called QMB running on another
system using their sender and receiver channels for file transfers.
Figure 1. Migrating the MFT configuration on System 1
Attention: The following procedure explains only how to backup and restore MFT configurations. If we are migrating MFT to a new machine with the same operating system,
queue manager data and log files can be backed up and restored by copying all the data files from
the old system to the appropriate directories on the new system.
However, if the new machine has a
different operating system, it is not possible to migrate the data files, because they are created
platform specific.
Backup procedure
Save the queue manager configuration using the dmpmqcfg
command to rebuild it later from its definition. For
dmpmqcfg -m QMA -a > /mq/backups/QMA.mqsc
Back up the configuration files for the agent that are stored under the IBM MQ data directory
/MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft The mqft directory normally has three
sub-directories, which are config, installation, and
logs. These contain agent installation data, configuration, and database logger
files respectively.If the agent is Protocol Bridge Agent, the
ProtocolBridgeCredentials.xml file in the agent configuration directory also needs
to backed up. This file defines the user names and credential information that the protocol bridge
agent uses to authorize itself with the protocol server.
Export the configuration of the resource monitor to an XML file using the MFT
ftelistMonitors command with the -ox option.
Export transfer templates to XML files using the MFT
fteListTemplates command with the -x and
-o options. For example, the following command creates
TransferTemplate1.xml in the current
fteListTemplates -x -o . TransferTemplate1
Manually back up the scheduled transfer definitions. It is not possible to
export the definitions to XML files, but we can list scheduled transfers using the MFT
fteListScheduledTransfers command and backing up the definitions manually.
Recreate procedure
Recreate queue manager QMA after installing IBM MQ and MFT on the new system.
Restore the QMA configuration by running the runmqsc
command to parse in the queue manager configuration saved in Step 1.a For
runmqsc QMA< /mq/backups/QMA.mqsc
Recreate the sender and receiver channels that connect to QMB on
System two.
On the QMB queue manager side, update the connections details, such
as host name and port number of the sender channel that connects to QMA.
Recreate Agent1 by copying all of the backed up agent configuration
files to the new system, and start the agent.
Import the XML file for Monitor1 using the MFT
command with the -ix and -f options. For
fteCreateMonitor -ix Monitor1Definition.xml -f
Publish a message containing the contents of TransferTemplate1.xml in the message
body to the SYSTEM.FTE topic on the coordination queue manager. Use a stand-alone
application, and specify the topic
<template_id> is the transfer template ID that can be found inside the
TransferTemplate1.xml file.For example, if the xml