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Check requirements on AIX

Before you install IBM MQ on AIX, we must check for the latest information and system requirements.

About this task

A summary of the tasks that we must complete to check system requirements is listed here with links to further information.


  1. Check that we have the latest information, including information on hardware and software requirements. See Where to find product requirements and support information.
  2. Check that the systems meet the initial hardware and software requirements for AIX. See Hardware and software requirements on AIX systems.
  3. Check that the systems have sufficient disk space for the installation. See Disk space requirements.
  4. Check that we have the correct licenses. See License requirements and IBM MQ license information.

What to do next

When you have completed these tasks, we are ready to start preparing the system for installation. For the next steps in installing IBM MQ, see Preparing the system on AIX.

Parent topic: Install and uninstall IBM MQ on AIX

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Last updated: 2020-10-04