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Set up the user and group on AIX

On AIX systems, IBM MQ requires a user ID of the name mqm, with a primary group of mqm. The mqm user ID owns the directories and files that contain the resources associated with the product.

Create the user ID and group

Set the primary group of the mqm user to the group mqm.

If we are installing IBM MQ on multiple systems you might want to ensure each UID and GID of mqm has the same value on all systems. If we are planning to configure multi-instance queue managers, it is essential the UID and GID are the same from system to system. It is also important to have the same UID and GID values in virtualization scenarios.

    We can use the System Management Interface Tool ( smit ), for which you require root authority.
    1. To create the mqm group, display the required window using this sequence:
      Security & Users
      Add a Group
      Set the group name field to mqm.
    2. To create the user mqm, display the required window using this sequence:
      Security & Users
      Add a User
      Set the user name field to mqm.
    3. To add a password to the new user ID, display the required window using this sequence:
      Security & Users
      Change a User's Password
      Set the password as required.

Adding existing user IDs to the group

To run administration commands, for example crtmqm (create queue manager) or strmqm (start queue manager), your user ID must be a member of the mqm group. This user ID must not be longer than 12 characters.

Users do not need mqm group authority to run applications that use the queue manager; it is needed only for the administration commands.

    We can use smit to add an existing user ID to the mqm group. Display the required menu using this sequence:
    Security & Users
    Change / Show Characteristics of a User
    Type the name of the user in the User Name field and press Enter. Add mqm to the Group SET field, which is a comma-separated list of the groups to which the user belongs. Users do not need to have their primary group set to mqm. If mqm is in their set of groups, they can use the administration commands.

Log files created by MQ Telemetry service

The umask setting of the user ID that creates a queue manager will determine the permissions of the Telemetry log files generated for that queue manager. Even though the ownership of the log files will be set to mqm.

Parent topic: Preparing the system on AIX

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Last updated: 2020-10-04