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Channel status properties

Displays the properties that show a channel's status. Two views are available: current status and saved status.

A channel's current status is updated continuously as messages are sent and received. A channel's saved status is updated only at the following times:

  • For all channels:

    • When the channel enters or leaves Stopped or Retrying state

  • For a sending channel:

    • Before requesting confirmation that a batch of messages has been received
    • When confirmation is received

  • For a receiving channel:

    • Just before confirming that a batch of messages has been received

  • For a server-connection channel:

    • No data is saved

Therefore, a channel that has never been current cannot have any saved status. The properties that are displayed for a channel's saved status are a subset of the properties that are displayed for a channel's status. These common properties are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following table.

For each property, there is a brief description of what information the property shows. The table also gives the equivalent MQSC parameter for the DISPLAY CHSTATUS command. For more information about MQSC commands, see Administration using MQSC commands.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Batch size The batch size that is being used for this session, valid only on the following platforms:

  • AIX
  • Linux
  • OS/400
  • Windows
  • z/OS

Batches The number of batches completed since the channel started. BATCHES
Buffers received The number of transmission buffers received. This includes transmissions to receive control information only. BUFSRCVD
Buffers sent The number of transmission buffers sent. This includes transmission to send control information only. BUFSSENT
Bytes received The number of bytes received since the channel started. This includes control information received by the Message Channel Agent. BYTSRCVD
Bytes sent The number of bytes sent since the channel started. This includes control information sent by the Message Channel Agent. BYTSSENT
*Channel monitoring The current level of monitoring data collection for the channel. MONCHL
*Channel name The name of the channel definition. CHANNEL
*Channel status The status of the channel, which can be Starting, Binding, Initializing, Running, Stopping, Retrying, Paused, Stopped, or Requesting. STATUS
Channel substate The action that the channel is currently performing. SUBSTATE
*Channel type The type of the channel, which can be Sender, Server, Receiver, Requester, Cluster-sender, Cluster-receiver, Server-connection. CHLTYPE
Compression rate The compression rate achieved, displayed to the nearest percent. This displays a short-term indicator and a long-term indicator. These values are reset every time the channel is started and are displayed only when the channel is running. COMPRATE
Compression time The amount of time per message, in microseconds, spent during compression or decompression. This property displays a short-term indicator and a long-term indicator. These values are reset every time the channel is started and are displayed only when the channel is running. COMPTIME
*Conn name The connection name for which status information is displayed for the channel. CONNAME
Current conversations The number of conversations that are currently being shared over a particular TCP/IP client channel instance (socket). This is ephemeral information, and has no associated MQSC parameter.
*Current LUWID The logical unit of work identifier that is associated with the current batch, for a sending or a receiving channel. For a sending channel, when the channel is in doubt it is the LUWID of the in-doubt batch. For a saved channel instance, this parameter has meaningful information only if the channel instance is in doubt. However, the parameter value is still returned when requested, even if the channel instance is not in doubt. It is updated with the LUWID of the next batch when this is known. CURLUWID
*Current messages For a sending channel, this is the number of messages that have been sent in the current batch. The value is incremented as each message is sent, and when the channel becomes in doubt it is the number of messages that are in doubt. For a saved channel instance, this parameter has meaningful information only if the channel instance is in doubt. However, the parameter value is still returned when requested, even if the channel instance is not in doubt. For a receiving channel, it is the number of messages that have been received in the current batch. It is incremented as each message is received. The value is reset to zero, for both sending and receiving channels, when the batch is committed. CURMSGS
*Current sequence number For a sending channel, this is the message sequence number of the last message sent. It is updated as each message is sent, and when the channel becomes in doubt it is the message sequence number of the last message in the in-doubt batch. For a saved channel instance, this parameter has meaningful information only if the channel instance is in doubt. However, the parameter value is still returned when requested, even if the channel instance is not in doubt. For a receiving channel, it is the message sequence number of the last message that was received. It is updated as each message is received. CURSEQNO
Exit time The amount of time, displayed in microseconds, that each message spent processing user exits. The cell displays two values: a value based on recent activity over a short period of time, and a value based on activity over a longer period of time. These values depend on the configuration and behavior of our system, as well as the levels of activity within it, and serve as an indicator that the system is performing normally. A significant variation in these values may indicate a problem with the system. They are reset every time the channel is started and are displayed only when the channel is running. EXITTIME
Header compression Whether the header data that is sent by the channel is compressed. Two values are shown: The default header data compression value negotiated for the channel, and the header data compression value that was used for the last message that was sent. If no message has been sent through the channel, the second value is blank. COMPHDR
Heartbeat interval The heartbeat interval that is being used for this session. HBINT
*Indoubt status Whether the channel is currently in doubt. This is only YES while the sending Message Channel Agent is waiting for an acknowledgment that a batch of messages that it has sent has been successfully received. It is NO at all other times, including the period during which messages are being sent, but before an acknowledgment has been requested. For a receiving channel, the value is always NO. INDOUBT
Keep alive interval The length of the keep alive interval, 0 - 99999. This property is ignored if the channel uses a transport type other than TCP or SPX. The TCP Keep alive property must be set to Yes on the Channels page of the Queue manager properties.

On z/OS queue managers, the Keep alive interval property specifies the keep alive interval for the individual channel.

On queue managers on other platforms, the Keep alive interval property is used only if the channel connects to a z/OS queue manager; to use the functionality provided by the Keep alive interval property, set the Keep alive interval property to Auto to use a value based on the negotiated heartbeat interval value.

*Last LUWID The number of the last logical unit of work that was committed by the channel. LSTLUWID
Last message date The date when the last message was sent or MQI call was handled. LSTMSGDA
Last message time The time when the last message was sent or MQI call was handled. For a sender or server, this is the time the last message (the last part of it if it was split) was sent. For a requester or receiver, it is the time the last message was put to its target queue. For a server-connection channel, it is the time when the last MQI call completed. LSTMSGTI
*Last sequence number The number of the last message in the last batch that was committed by the channel. LSTSEQNO
Local address The local communications address for the channel. The value depends on the transport type of the channel. Currently, only TCP/IP is supported. LOCLADDR
Long retries left The number of long retry wait start attempts left. This applies only to sender or server channels. LONGRTS
Max conversations Only available on Server-connection channels and Client-connection channels. Specifies the maximum number of conversations that can be shared over a particular TCP/IP client channel instance (socket). The possible values are: 0: Specifies no sharing of conversations over a TCP/IP socket. The channel instance runs in a mode before that of IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, with regard to:

  • Administrator stop-quiesce
  • Heartbeating
  • Read ahead

1: Specifies no sharing of conversations over a TCP/IP socket. Client heartbeating and read ahead are available, whether in an MQGET call or not, and channel quiescing is more controllable.

2 - 999999999: The number of shared conversations. The default value is 10.

If the client-connection Max conversations value does not match the server-connection Max conversations value, then the lowest value is used.

(In MQSC this parameter is known as "Sharing conversations")

MCA job name The name of the job currently serving the channel. The format depends on the platform:

  • On OS/400, UNIX systems, and Windows, this is the concatenation of the process identifier and the thread identifier of the MCA program displayed in hexadecimal.
  • On HP Integrity NonStop Server, this is the processor ID and PID displayed in hexadecimal.

This information is not available on z/OS.

MCA status The status of the Message Channel Agent, which is Running or Not running. MCASTAT
MCA user ID The user ID used by the MCA. This can be the user ID that is set in the channel definition, the default user ID for MCA channels, a user ID specified by a security exit, or, if the channel is a server-connection channel, a user ID transferred from a client. MCAUSER
Message compression The technique used to compress the message data sent by the channel. Two values are shown: the default message data compression value negotiated for the channel, and the message data compression value used for the last message that was sent. If no message has been sent through the channel, the second value is blank. COMPMSG
*Messages The number of messages that have been sent or received (or, for server-connection channels, the number of MQI calls handled) since the channel was started. MSGS
Messages available The number of messages that are queued on the transmission queue and are available to the channel for MQGETs. XQMSGSA
Network time The amount of time, displayed in microseconds, to send an end of batch request to the remote end of the channel and receive a response. This is the time between sending the last message in a batch and receiving the end of batch acknowledgment, minus the processing time of the end of batch request at the remote end. There are two elements that make up the network time:

  • The time that the data flowed on the network.
  • Delays at the remote end until the end of batch request is processed. If the channel processing at the remote end is delayed, for example, processing is retrying a put, then the processing of the end of batch request will be delayed and leads to an increase in NETTIME.

The cell displays two values: a value based on recent activity over a short period of time, and a value based on activity over a longer period of time. These values depend on the configuration and behavior of our system, as well as the levels of activity within it, and serve as an indicator that the system is performing normally. A significant variation in these values may indicate a problem with the system. They are reset every time the channel is started and are displayed only when the channel is running. This parameter applies only to sender, server, and cluster-sender channels.

NPM speed The nonpersistent message handling technique that is being used for this session. NPMSPEED
Queue manager name The name of the queue manager on which the channel is defined. For client-connection channels, this is the name of the queue manager to which an application that is running in the MQI client environment can request connection. QMNAME
Remote product The remote partner product identifier. This is the product identifier of the IBM MQ code running at the remote end of the channel. This field is available in IBM MQ Version 9.0 and later. RPRODUCT
Remote queue manager The queue manager name, or queue sharing group name, of the remote system. RQMNAME
Remote version The version of the IBM MQ code running at the remote end of the channel. If the remote version is blank, the remote partner is at version 6 or earlier. RVERSION
Security protocol Security protocol currently in use on the channel. Set automatically, based on the value you set for the SSL CipherSpec property. The value can be NONE, TLSV1, TLSV12, TLSV13

From IBM MQ Version 9.2, TLSV13 is supported on z/OS.

*Short peer name The Distinguished Name of the peer queue manager or client at the other end of the channel. The maximum length is 256 characters, so longer Distinguished Names are truncated. SSLPEER
Short retries left The number of short retry wait start attempts left. This applies only to sender or server channels. SHORTRTS
SSL cert issuer name The full Distinguished Name of the issuer of the remote certificate. The issuer is the Certificate Authority that issued the certificate. The maximum length is 256 characters, so longer Distinguished Names are truncated. SSLCERTI
SSL cert user ID The local user ID associated with the remote certificate. SSLCERTU
SSL Cipher Spec The name of the Cipher Spec for a TLS connection. Both ends of the IBM MQ SSL channel definition must have the same value in the Cipher Spec property. For more information, see the SSLCIPH property in DEFINE CHANNEL.

The value for this parameter is also used to set the value of the Security Protocol property.

SSL key reset date The date on which the previous successful TLS secret key was reset. The count of TLS secret key resets is reset when the channel instance ends. For more information, see Resetting SSL and TLS secret keys. SSLKEYDA
SSL key reset time The time at which the previous successful TLS secret key was reset. The count of TLS secret key resets is reset when the channel instance ends. For more information, see Resetting SSL and TLS secret keys. SSLKEYTI
SSL key resets The number of successful TLS key resets. The count of TLS secret key resets is reset when the channel instance ends. For more information, see Resetting SSL and TLS secret keys. SSLRKEYS
Start date The date when this channel started (in the form yyyy-mm-dd). CHSTADA
Start time The time when this channel started (in the form hh.mm.ss). CHSTATI
Stop requested Whether a user stop request is outstanding. The value is Yes or No. STOPREQ
*Transmission queue The name of the transmission queue for which status information is displayed for the specified channel. XMITQ
Xmit batch size The size of the batches transmitted over the channel. Two values are displayed: a value based on recent activity over a short period of time, and a value based on activity over a longer period of time. These values depend on the configuration and behavior of our system, as well as the levels of activity within it, and serve as an indicator that the system is performing normally. A significant variation in these values might indicate a problem with the system. The values are reset every time the channel is restarted and are displayed only when the channel is running. XBATCHSZ
Xmit queue time The time, in microseconds, that messages remained on the transmission queue before being retrieved. The time is measured from when the message is put on the transmission queue until it is retrieved to be sent on the channel and, therefore, includes any interval caused by a delay in the putting application. The cell displays two values: a value based on recent activity over a short period of time, and a value based on activity over a longer period of time. These values depend on the configuration and behavior of our system, as well as the levels of activity within it, and serve as an indicator that the system is performing normally. A significant variation in these values might indicate a problem with the system. The values are reset every time the channel is started and are displayed only when the channel is running. XQTIME
Parent topic: Status attributes

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Last updated: 2020-10-04