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Configure publish/subscribe for Version 7.0 and later queue managers

In IBM MQ Explorer, we can configure Version 7.0 and later queue managers as Publish/Subscribe Engines to route messages between publishing applications and subscribing applications. To test your configurations, we can register as a subscriber, and send and receive test publications if we are authorized to do so.

Before starting

For more conceptual information about Publish/Subscribe, Topics, Subscriptions, and Publications, see the following topics:

Before starting configuring:

About this task

To configure publish/subscribe messaging on a Version 7.0 or later queue manager, complete one or more of the tasks described in the subtopics.

What to do next

In IBM MQ Explorer, we can also view and clear retained publications.

  • Create a new topic
    A topic identifies what a publication is about. A topic is a character string that describes the subject of the information that is published in a publish/subscribe message.
  • Create a new cluster topic
    We can either convert an existing topic into a cluster topic, or create a new cluster topic. You do this by navigating to the topic properties, then specifying the name of the cluster that is to host this topic, and the cluster routing mechanism to use for publications on this topic.
  • View the topic status
    A topic identifies what a publication is about. The topic status displays information about the topic, such as publications and subscriptions.
  • Send and receiving test publications on a topic object folder
    We can send (publish) and receive (subscribe to) test publications (messages) to check that your Publish/Subscribe Engine network and topics work as intended. We can configure a publication so that the Publish/Subscribe Engine retains a copy after publishing it to the subscribers. This enables new subscribers to receive the publication even if they subscribed after it was published.
  • Send and receiving test publications for specific topics
    We can send (publish) and receive (subscribe to) test publications (messages) to check that your Publish/Subscribe Engine network and topics work as intended. We can configure a publication so that the Publish/Subscribe Engine retains a copy after publishing it to the subscribers. This enables new subscribers to receive the publication even if they subscribed after it was published.
  • View topic status for publishers
    Each topic can have many properties and values associated with it. When a topic has been assigned as a publisher, we can view its status, and edit the scheme to display the status information.
  • View topic status for subscribers
    Each topic can have many properties and values associated with it. When a topic has been assigned as a subscriber, we can view its status, and edit the scheme to display the status information.
  • Create a new subscription
    We can create a new subscription to subscribe to a topic for a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, queue manager.
  • View a list of subscribers
    We can view a list of applications that are subscribed to topics on a Publish/Subscribe Engine, or a list of applications that are subscribed to a specific topic.
  • Refreshing proxy subscriptions
    We can refresh proxy subscriptions on an IBM MQ queue manager.
  • Create a new Multicast communication information object
    IBM MQ Multicast offers low latency, high fan out, reliable multicast messaging.

Parent topic: Configure IBM MQ using IBM MQ Explorer

Last updated: 2020-10-04