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Create a new topic

A topic identifies what a publication is about. A topic is a character string that describes the subject of the information that is published in a publish/subscribe message.

Before starting

For the latest information on topic strings, wildcard characters, special characters, and topic trees, see the following links.

  • A topic string can include any character from the Unicode character set, including the space character. However, there are characters that have special meanings. The characters; plus sign (+), number sign (#), asterisk (*), and question mark (?) are described in Wildcard schemes.
  • Topic strings are case sensitive, and although a null character does not cause an error, do not use null characters in your topic strings. For the latest information on topic strings, see Use topic strings.
  • Each topic that you define is an element, or node, in the topic tree. For the latest information on topic trees, see Topic trees.

The queue manager that hosts the Publish/Subscribe engine must be visible in the Navigator view. To show the queue manager, follow the instructions in Show or hide a queue manager

About this task

To create a new topic in the IBM MQ Explorer:


  1. Expand the queue manager that hosts the Publish/Subscribe Engine to display the object-folders in the Navigator view.
  2. Right-click Topics, then click New > Topic.


The New Topic wizard opens. Work though the wizard to create a new topic.

What to do next

For information about topic names, topic strings and topic wildcards, refer to the following links. Parent topic: Configure publish/subscribe for Version 7.0 and later queue managers

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Last updated: 2020-10-04