Create administered objects

The ConnectionFactory and Destination object definitions that XMS applications require to make a connection to a messaging server must be created using the appropriate administrative tools.

Before starting

For further details about the different types of administered object repository that XMS supports, see Supported types of administered object repository.

To create the administered objects for IBM MQ use the IBM MQ Explorer or IBM MQ JMS administration (JMSAdmin) tool.

To create the administered objects for IBM MQ or IBM Integration Bus, use the IBM MQ JMS administration (JMSAdmin) tool.

To create administered objects for WebSphere Application Server service integration bus, use the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.

In the administrative tooling the property is known as APPLICATIONNAME or APPNAME for short.Note: We cannot use JMSAdmin to set TRANSPORT(UNMANAGED). Therefore, in order to get an unmanaged XMS client using an administratively chosen application name, we need to enter the following command:

The following steps summarize what you do to create administered objects.


  1. Create a connection factory and define the necessary properties to create a connection from the application to your chosen server. The minimum properties that XMS requires to make a connection are defined in Required properties for administered ConnectionFactory objects.
  2. Create the required destination on the messaging server, which the application connects to:

    • For a connection to a IBM MQ queue manager, create a queue or topic.
    • For a real-time connection to a broker, create a topic.
    • For a connection to a WebSphere Application Server service integration bus, create a queue or a topic.

    The minimum properties that XMS requires to make a connection are defined in Required properties for administered Destination objects.

Parent topic: Work with administered objects