Supported types of administered object repository

File System and LDAP administered objects can be used to connect to IBM MQ and WebSphere Application Server, whereas COS Naming can be used to connect only to the WebSphere Application Server.

File System object directories take the form of serialized Java Naming Directory Interface (JNDI) objects. LDAP object directories are directories that contain JNDI objects. File System and LDAP object directories can be administered by using either the JMSAdmin tool, which is provided with IBM WebSphere MQ Version 6.0, or the IBM MQ Explorer, which is provided with IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 and later. Both the File system and the LDAP object directories can be used to administer client connections by centralizing IBM WebSphere MQ connection factories and destinations. The network administrator can deploy multiple applications that refer to the same central repository, and that are automatically updated to reflect changes to connection settings made in the central repository.

A COS naming directory contains WebSphere Application Server service integration bus connection factories and destinations and can be administered by using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console. For an XMS application to retrieve objects from the COS naming directory, a JNDI lookup web service must be deployed. This web service is not available on all WebSphere Application Server service integration technologies. Refer to the product documentation for details.

Note: Restart application connections for changes to the object directory to take effect. Parent topic: Work with administered objects