Topic uniform resource identifiers

The topic uniform resource identifier (URI) specifies the name of the topic; it can also specify one or more properties for it.

The URI for a topic begins with the sequence topic://, followed by the name of the topic and (optional) a list of name-value pairs that set the remaining topic properties. A topic name cannot be empty.

Here is an example in a fragment of .NET code:
topic = session.CreateTopic("topic://Sport/Football/Results?multicast=7");

For more information about the properties of a topic, including the name and valid values that we can use in a URI, see Properties of Destination.

When specifying a topic URI for use in a subscription, wildcards can be used. The syntax for these wildcards depends on the connection type and broker version; the following options are available:

  • IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager with Character level wildcard format
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager with Topic level wildcard format
  • WebSphere Application Server service integration bus

IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager with Character level wildcard format

IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager with Character level wildcard format uses the following wildcard characters:

  • * for 0 or more characters
  • ? for 1 character
  • % for an escape character

Table 1 gives some examples of how to use this wildcard scheme.

Uniform Resource Identifier Matches Examples
"topic://Sport*Results" All topics starting with "Sport" and ending in "Results" "topic://SportsResults" and "topic://Sport/Hockey/National/Div3/Results"
"topic://Sport?Results" All topics starting with "Sport" followed by a single character, followed by "Results" "topic://SportsResults" and "topic://SportXResults"
"topic://Sport/*ball*/Div?/Results/*/???" Topics "topic://Sport/Football/Div1/Results/2002/Nov" and "topic://Sport/Netball/National/Div3/Results/02/Jan"

IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager with Topic level wild card format

IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager with Topic level wildcard format uses the following wildcard characters:

  • # to match multiple levels
  • + to match a single level

Table 2 gives some examples of how to use this wildcard scheme.

Uniform Resource Identifier Matches Examples
"topic://Sport/+/Results" All topics with a single hierarchical level name between Sport and Results "topic://Sport/Football/Results" and "topic://Sport/Ju-Jitsu/Results"
"topic://Sport/#/Results" All topics starting with "Sport/" and ending in "/Results" "topic://Sport/Football/Results" and "topic://Sport/Hockey/National/Div3/Results"
"topic://Sport/Football/#" All topics starting with "Sport/Football/" "topic://Sport/Football/Results" and "topic://Sport/Football/TeamNews/Signings/Managerial"

WebSphere Application Server service integration bus

WebSphere Application Server service integration bus uses the following wildcard characters:

  • * to match any characters at one level in the hierarchy
  • // to match 0 or more levels
  • //. to match 0 or more levels (at the end of a Topic expression)

Table 3 gives some examples of how to use this wildcard scheme.

Uniform Resource Identifier Matches Examples
"topic://Sport/*ball/Results" All topics with a single hierarchical level name ending in "ball" between Sport and Results "topic://Sport/Football/Results" and "topic://Sport/Netball/Results"
"topic://Sport//Results" All topics starting with "Sport/" and ending in "/Results" "topic://Sport/Football/Results" and "topic://Sport/Hockey/National/Div3/Results"
"topic://Sport/Football//." All topics starting with "Sport/Football/" "topic://Sport/Football/Results" and "topic://Sport/Football/TeamNews/Signings/Managerial"
"topic://Sport/*ball//Results//." Topics "topic://Sport/Football/Results" and "topic://Sport/Netball/National/Div3/Results/2002/November"
Parent topic: Destinations

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