Preparing and using the API-crossing exit

The sample exit is supplied in source form only.

To use the sample exit, or an exit program that we have written, create a load library, as you would for any other CICS program, as described in Building CICS applications in z/OS.

  • For CICS Transaction Server for z/OS and CICS for MVS™/ESA, when you update the CICS system definition (CSD) data set, the definitions we need are in the member thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4B100). Note: The definitions use a suffix of MQ. If this suffix is already used in your enterprise, this must be changed before the assembly stage.

If we use the default CICS program definitions supplied, the exit program CSQCAPX is installed in a disabled state. This is because using the exit program can produce a significant reduction in performance.

To activate the API-crossing exit temporarily:
  1. Issue the command CEMT S PROGRAM(CSQCAPX) ENABLED from the CICS master terminal.
  2. Run the CKQC transaction, and use option 3 in the Connection pull-down to alter the status of the API-crossing exit to Enabled.

To run IBM MQ for z/OS with the API-crossing exit permanently enabled, with CICS Transaction Server for z/OS and CICS for MVS/ESA, do one of the following:

  • Alter the CSQCAPX definition in member CSQ4B100, changing STATUS(DISABLED) to STATUS(ENABLED). We can update the CICS CSD definition using the CICS-supplied batch program DFHCSDUP.
  • Alter the CSQCAPX definition in the CSQCAT1 group by changing the status from DISABLED to ENABLED.

In both cases, we must reinstall the group. We can do this by cold-starting your CICS system or by using the CICS CEDA transaction to reinstall the group while CICS is running.

Note: Using CEDA might cause an error if any of the entries in the group are currently in use.

End of product-sensitive programming interface information.

Parent topic: The API-crossing exit for z/OS