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The API-crossing exit for z/OS

This topic contains product-sensitive programming interface information.

An exit is a point in IBM -supplied code where we can run your own code. IBM MQ for z/OS provides an API-crossing exit used to intercept calls to the MQI, and to monitor or modify the function of the MQI calls. This section describes how to use the API-crossing exit, and describes the sample exit program that is supplied with IBM MQ for z/OS.

This section is applicable only for users of CICS TS V3.1 and earlier. Users of CICS TS V3.2 and later should refer to the section CICS Integration with IBM MQ in the CICS product documentation.


The API-crossing exit is invoked only by the CICS adapter of IBM MQ for z/OS. The exit program runs in the CICS address space.

Parent topic: Use and writing applications on IBM MQ for z/OS

Last updated: 2020-10-04