Resolving in-doubt messages on a channel
We can resolve in-doubt messages on a channel using MQSC commands or using the operations and control panels.
To resolve in-doubt messages on a channel using the MQSC commands, use RESOLVE CHANNEL.
Use the operations and control panels, starting from the initial panel, complete these fields and press enter:
Field | Value |
Action | 5 (Perform) |
Object type | SENDER, SERVER, or CHANNEL |
Disposition | The disposition of the object. |
The Perform a Channel Function panel is displayed (see Figure 1 ).
Select Function type 3 or 4 (resolve with commit or backout). (See In-doubt channels for more information.)
Select the disposition of the channel for which resolution is to be done and which queue manager it is to be done on. Press enter.
Parent topic: Monitor and control channels on z/OS