z/OS: Set up the operations and control panels

To set up the operations and control panels we must first set up the libraries that contain the required panels, EXECs, messages, and tables. To do this, we must take into account which national language feature is to be used for the panels. When you have done this, we can optionally update the main ISPF menu for IBM MQ operations and control panels and change the function key settings.

  • We need to perform this task once for each z/OS system where we want to run IBM MQ.
  • We might need to perform this task when migrating from a previous version.

Set up the libraries

Follow these steps to set up the IBM MQ operations and control panels:
  1. Ensure that all the libraries contained in your concatenations are either in the same format (F, FB, V, VB) and have the same block size, or are in order of decreasing block sizes. Otherwise, you might have problems trying to use these panels.
  2. Include the library thlqual.SCSQEXEC in your SYSEXEC or SYSPROC concatenation or activate it using the TSO ALTLIB command. This library, which is allocated with a fixed-block 80 record format during installation, contains the required EXECs.

    It is preferable to put the library into your SYSEXEC concatenation. However, if we want to put it in SYSPROC, the library must have a record length of 80 bytes.

  3. Add thlqual.SCSQAUTH and thlqual.SCSQANLx to the TSO logon procedure STEPLIB or activate it using the TSO TSOLIB command, if it is not in the link list or the LPA.
  4. We can either add the IBM MQ panel libraries permanently to your ISPF library setup, or allow them to be set up dynamically when the panels are used. For the former choice, you need to do the following:
    1. Include the library containing the operations and control panel definitions in your ISPPLIB concatenation. The name is thlqual.SCSQPNLx, where x is the language letter for the national language.
    2. Include the library containing the required tables in your ISPTLIB concatenation. The name is thlqual.SCSQTBLx, where x is the language letter for the national language.
    3. Include the library containing the required messages in your ISPMLIB concatenation. The name is thlqual.SCSQMSGx, where x is the language letter for the national language.
    4. Include the library containing the required load modules in your ISPLLIB concatenation. The name of this library is thlqual.SCSQAUTH.

  5. Test that we can access the IBM MQ panels from the TSO Command Processor panel. This is usually option 6 on the ISPF/PDF Primary Options Menu. The name of the EXEC that you run is CSQOREXX. There are no parameters to specify if you have put the IBM MQ libraries permanently in your ISPF setup as in step 4. If we have not, use the following:
    CSQOREXX thlqual langletter
    where langletter is a letter identifying the national language to be used:

      Simplified Chinese

      U.S. English (mixed case)



      U.S. English (uppercase)

Updating the ISPF menu

We can update the ISPF main menu to allow access to the IBM MQ operations and control panels from ISPF. The required setting for &ZSEL is:
CMD(%CSQOREXX thlqual langletter)

For information about thlqual and langletter, see Step 5.

For more details, see the z/OS: ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference manual.

Updating the function keys and command settings

We can use the normal ISPF procedures for changing the function keys and command settings used by the panels. The application identifier is CSQO.

However, this is not recommended because the help information is not updated to reflect any changes that we have made.

Parent topic: Configure the queue manager and channel initiator

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