Starting an MFT agent on z/OS
On z/OS, in addition to running the fteStartAgent command from a UNIX System Services session, we can start an agent as a started task from JCL without the need for an interactive session.
A started task is used because it runs under a specific user ID and is not affected by users logging off. Note: Started tasks are typically run under an administrative user that might not have log-on privileges and so it is not possible to log on to the z/OS system as the user that the agent is running under. The fteStartAgent, fteStopAgent, fteSetAgentTraceLevel commands, and the fteShowAgentDetails command with the -d parameter specified, cannot be issued for that agent.From IBM MQ Version 9.0.2 and IBM MQ Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 1, we can use the agent property adminGroup with Managed File Transfer agents on z/OS. We can define a security manager group, for example MFTADMIN and then add the started task userid and administrator TSO ids to this group. Edit the agent properties file and set the adminGroup property to be the name of this security manager group.adminGroup=MFTADMIN
Members of this group can then issue the fteStartAgent, fteStopAgent, and fteSetAgentTraceLevel commands, and the fteShowAgentDetails command with the -d parameter specified, for the agent that is running as a started task.
For more information, see the adminGroup property in The MFT file.
As a Java application, an agent is a UNIX System Services application that we can run from JCL by using the BFGAGSTP member, from a generated Managed File Transfer command PDSE library data set for an agent. For more information about how to create an MFT command PDSE library data set, and customize it for the required agent, see Create an MFT Agent or Logger command data set.
Enable agent remote connections with IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS Value Unit Edition only
An MFT agent on z/OS, running under the product identifier (PID) of IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS VUE, can connect to a queue manager on z/OS using a client connection.
Note that the PID under which the agent is running is displayed in the log at agent startup.
For details of IBM MQ products, their associated PID values, and export classifications, see IBM MQ product identifiers and export information.
An MFT agent on z/OS, running under any other PID, can connect to a local queue manager using bindings connection only.
An MFT agent on z/OS can connect only to a queue manager, also running on z/OS, regardless of the MFT PID.
If an IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS VUE agent attempts to connect to a queue manager that is not running on z/OS, the following BFGMQ1044E message is issued, and agent start-up is ended:BFGMQ1044E: Agent client connection on z/OS must be to a queue manager on z/OSParent topic: Starting an MFT agent
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