Viewing the status of file transfers in the Transfer Log
We can view the details of file transfers by using the Transfer Log in IBM MQ Explorer. These can be transfers started from either the command line or the IBM MQ Explorer. We can also customize what is displayed in the Transfer Log.
- Expand Managed File Transfer in the Navigator view and then expand the name of the coordination queue manager to view the transfer log for.
- Click Transfer Log in the Navigator view. The Transfer Log is displayed in the Content view.
The Transfer Log window displays the following details about your file
- Source The name of the agent on the system where the source file is located.
- Destination The name of the agent on the system you want to transfer the file to.
- Completion State The status of the file transfer. The state can be one of the following values: "Started", "In progress", "Successful", "Partially Successful", "Cancelled", or "Failed".
- Owner The user ID on the host that submitted the transfer request.
- Started (selected time zone) The time and date that the file transfer request was accepted by the Managed File Transfer agent, presented in the selected time zone of the administrator. To change the time zone displayed, click Window > Preferences > IBM MQ Explorer > Managed File Transfer and select an alternative time zone from the Time zone: list. Click OK.
State Recorded (selected time zone) (This column is not displayed by
default. We can choose to display the column by using the Configure Transfer Log
window.) The time and date that the completion state was recorded, in the time zone selected by the administrator.
- Job Name An identifier specified by the user by using the -jn parameter of fteCreateTransfer or in an Ant script
- Transfer ID The unique identifier for the file transfer.
- Connect: Direct Details about Process Number, Process Name, Primary Node, Secondary Node, Source Type and Destination Type are listed.
Note: The internal format of the Transfer Log was changed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1 for APAR IC99545. As a result, if a IBM MQ Explorer is upgraded to V8.0.0.1 or later, and then restored to V8.0.0.0, no audit XML is displayed for transfers that took place while IBM MQ Explorer was at V8.0.0.1. The XML panel in the Properties window for these transfers will contain an empty text box.To view further details about a completed transfer, expand the transfer that you are interested in by clicking the plus sign (+). We can then see all of the source and destination file names included in that transfer. However, if the transfer is currently in progress and consists of many files, we can view only the files that have already been transferred so far.
To refresh what is displayed in the Transfer Log, click the
Refresh button on the Content view toolbar. The file transfer information in the Transfer Log remains in
the log after you stop and restart the IBM MQ Explorer. If you
want to delete all completed file transfers from the log, click Remove Completed
on the Content view toolbar.
To delete an individual completed file transfer from the log, right-click the transfer and click Delete. If you delete a transfer, it does not stop or cancel a transfer that is in progress or that has been scheduled; you are deleting only the stored historical data.
To copy the unique identifier of a transfer to the clipboard, right-click that transfer and click Copy ID.
The metadata and the complete audit XML for the transfer are available from the pop-up menu, under the Properties action.