Configure the Transfer Log
We can configure what information is displayed and how information is displayed in the Transfer Log in the IBM MQ Explorer.
To rearrange the order of the columns in the Transfer Log, click the title of the column you want to move and drag the column to its new position. The new column order is retained only until you next stop and restart the IBM MQ Explorer.
To filter entries in the Transfer Log, enter a string in the Filter the displayed log entries field. To restore all of the entries to the log, delete the string you entered from the field. We can use any valid Java regular expression in this field. For more information, see Regular expressions used by MFT.
To customize which columns are displayed
in the Transfer Log, use Configure Transfer Log Columns . Use the following steps to start and use
the Configure Transfer Log Columns window.
- Ensure that we have the Transfer Log open
in the Content view. Click Configure Transfer Log Columns
on the Content view toolbar. The Configure Transfer Log Columns window opens.
- To customize your view of the Transfer Log, select or clear individual check boxes for the columns you want to show or hide. We can click Select All, then OK to select all of the check boxes or Deselect All, then OK to clear all of the check boxes.