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Transferring a data set to a Connect:Direct node on z/OS

We can transfer a data set from a Managed File Transfer agent on z/OS® to a Connect:Direct® node on z/OS by using a Connect:Direct bridge that is located on a Windows or Linux system.

Before you begin

Before transferring a file, you must configure the Connect:Direct bridge, which is a component of Managed File Transfer. See Configure the Connect:Direct bridge.

In this example, the parameter -df is used to specify the destination of the transfer. The parameter -df is valid for use when the source agent of the transfer is any version of Managed File Transfer. If the source agent is WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Version 7.0.4 or later, we can use the -ds parameter instead. The source agent is called FTE_ZOS1 and is a WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Version 7.0.3 agent. The Connect:Direct bridge agent is called CD_BRIDGE and is located on a Linux system. The destination Connect:Direct node is called CD_ZOS2. Both the source agent and the destination Connect:Direct node are located on z/OS systems. The data set to be transferred is located at //FTEUSER.SOURCE.LIB on the system where FTE_ZOS1 is located. The data set is transferred to the data set //CDUSER.DEST.LIB on the system where CD_ZOS2 is located.


  1. Use the fteCreateTransfer command with the value for the -df parameter in the form: connect_direct_node_name:data_set_name;attributes and the value of the -da (destination agent) parameter specified as the name of the Connect:Direct bridge agent.

    The Connect:Direct node specified by connect_direct_node_name is the node that you want the data set to be transferred to, not the Connect:Direct node that operates as part of the Connect:Direct bridge.

    The data set name specified by data_set_name must be absolute, not relative. Connect:Direct does not prefix the data set name with the name of the user.

    fteCreateTransfer -sa FTE_ZOS1 -sm QM_ZOS 
                      -da CD_BRIDGE -dm QM_BRIDGE 
                      -df CD_ZOS2://'CDUSER.DEST.LIB;BLKSIZE(8000);LRECL(80)' 
    For more information, see fteCreateTransfer: start a new file transfer.
  2. The source agent FTE_ZOS1 transfers the data in the data set to the Connect:Direct bridge agent CD_BRIDGE. The data is temporarily stored as a flat file on the system where the Connect:Direct bridge agent is running, in the location defined by the cdTmpDir agent property. The Connect:Direct bridge agent transfers the data to the Connect:Direct node CD_ZOS2. When the transfer is complete, the flat file is deleted from the system where the Connect:Direct bridge agent is running.