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Mappings between Connect:Direct process statement parameters and BPXWDYN keys

When you submit a transfer request for a data set where either the source or destination is a Connect:Direct® node, any supported BPXWDYN keys that you provide are converted to a format that is accepted by Connect:Direct processes.

For more information about IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct process statements, see the Connect:Direct Process Language Reference Guide .
Table 1. Parameters to the Connect:Direct COPY statement, and the equivalent BPXWDYN keys used by Managed File Transfer
Parameter to Connect:Direct COPY statement BPXWDYN key
DSN DSN (valid for transfers to and from data sets). Specifying this key overrides the parameter value that is assigned by Managed File Transfer, which is based on the source or destination file specifications that are provided in the transfer request.
FILE No mapping for data sets.
PNODE No mapping. The primary node for the transfer is identified by Managed File Transfer. If you attempt to provide a value for this parameter, an error is produced.
SNODE No mapping. The secondary node for the transfer is identified by Managed File Transfer. If you attempt to provide a value for this parameter, an error is produced.
DCB See Mappings for subparameters of DCB
DISP See Mappings for subparameters of DISP for a COPY From statement and Mappings for subparameters of DISP for a COPY To statement
RESGDG No mapping
LABEL See Mappings for subparameters of LABEL
MSVGP No mapping
VOL See Mappings for subparameters of VOL
ALIAS No mapping
EXCLUDE No mapping
PDS.DIR No mapping. Managed File Transfer sets the value of this process parameter to N, so no user-related information that is in the directory is sent.
REPLACE | NOREPLACE No BPXWDYN equivalent. The behavior when a destination data set already exists on the destination system is defined by the value of the -de (destination_file_behavior) parameter in the transfer request. For more information about the default behavior of Managed File Transfer when a destination data set already exists, see Transferring between data sets on z/OS.
SELECT No BPXWDYN equivalent. The data set members that are selected for copying are defined by the source file specification in the transfer request.
BUFND No mapping
IOEXIT No mapping
DATAEXIT No mapping
SYSOPTS See Mappings for subparameters of SYSOPTS
TYPE No mapping
AVGREC No mapping
DSNTYPE DSNTYPE. Specifying a value of PDS for this key overrides the parameter value that is assigned by Managed File Transfer, which is LIBRARY. There are no mappings for any other value - EXTPREF, EXTREQ, BASIC, or LARGE. Specifying any of these unsupported values produces an error. Specifying PDS or LIBRARY for a sequential data set produces an error.
KEYLEN No mapping
KEYOFF No mapping
LRECL No mapping
RECORG No mapping
SECMODEL No mapping
SPACE See Mappings for subparameters of SPACE
SYSOUT No mapping
CKPT No mapping
COMPRESS No mapping
SECURE No mapping
Table 2. Subparameters of the DCB parameter for the Connect:Direct COPY statement, and the equivalent BPXWDYN keys used by Managed File Transfer
Subparameters of the DCB parameter BPXWDYN key
model-file-name No mapping
DEN No mapping
KEYLEN No mapping
LIMCT No mapping
OPTCD No mapping
RKP No mapping
Table 3. Subparameters of the DISP parameter for the Connect:Direct COPY From statement, and the equivalent BPXWDYN keys used by Managed File Transfer
Subparameters of the DISP parameter for a COPY From statement BPXWDYN key Details
[OLD | SHR] [OLD | SHR] Specifies the status of the data set before the transfer.Managed File Transfer sets this subparameter to SHR.
[KEEP | DELETE] [KEEP | DELETE] or PATHDISP Specifies the status of the data set after the transfer has completed successfully. The value set by Managed File Transfer depends on the source file disposition, defined by the -sd parameter.
[KEEP | DELETE] [KEEP | DELETE] or PATHDISP Specifies the status of the data set after the transfer has completed abnormally. Managed File Transfer sets this subparameter to KEEP.
Table 4. Subparameters of the DISP parameter for the Connect:Direct COPY To statement, and the equivalent BPXWDYN keys used by Managed File Transfer
Subparameters of the DISP parameter for a COPY To statement BPXWDYN key Details
[NEW | OLD | MOD | RPL | SHR] [NEW | OLD | MOD | SHR] Specifies the status of the data set before the transfer. The value set by Managed File Transfer depends on the value of the -de (destination_file_behavior) parameter in the transfer request. If the destination data set does not already exist, the subparameter value is NEW. If the data set already exists, the subparameter value is RPL. Managed File Transfer does not support the key RPL being provided in a transfer request.
[KEEP | CATLG] [KEEP | CATLOG] or PATHDISP Specifies the status of the data set after the transfer has completed successfully. Managed File Transfer sets this subparameter to CATLOG.
[KEEP | CATLG | DELETE] [KEEP | DELETE] or PATHDISP Specifies the status of the data set after the transfer has completed abnormally. Managed File Transfer sets this subparameter to DELETE.
Table 5. Subparameters of the LABEL parameter for the Connect:Direct COPY statement, and the equivalent BPXWDYN keys used by Managed File Transfer
Subparameters of the LABEL parameter for a COPY statement BPXWDYN key Details
file-sequence-number SEQUENCE  
[SL | AL | BLP | LTM | NL] LABEL(type) The possible values of type are NL, SL, NSL, SUL, BLP, LTM, AL, and AUL. Connect:Direct accepts a subset of these values. If you specify a value that is not supported by Connect:Direct, Connect:Direct produces an error message.
[PASSWORD | NOPWREAD] No mapping  
[IN | OUT] No mapping  
[RETPD | EXPDT] RETPD EXPDT not supported
Table 6. Subparameters of the VOL parameter for the Connect:Direct COPY statement, and the equivalent BPXWDYN keys used by Managed File Transfer
Subparameters of the VOL parameter for a COPY statement BPXWDYN key
PRIVATE No mapping
RETAIN No mapping
volume-sequence-no No mapping
volume-count MAXVOL
REF No mapping
Table 7. Subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter for the Connect:Direct COPY statement, and the equivalent BPXWDYN keys used by Managed File Transfer
Subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter for a COPY statement BPXWDYN key
DBCS No mapping
CODEPAGE Value is dependent on Managed File Transfer transfer options. For more information, see Transferring text files with MFT.
DATATYPE No mapping. Managed File Transfer sets this value to TEXT for text transfers to or from a data set, and otherwise to BINARY.
XLATE No mapping. Managed File Transfer sets this value to NO when the value of DATATYPE is TEXT.
STRIP.BLANKS No mapping. Managed File Transfer sets this value to YES when the value of DATATYPE is TEXT.
PERMISS No mapping
PRECOMP No mapping
UNIQUE No mapping
SYSOUT No mapping
Table 8. Subparameters of the SPACE parameter for the Connect:Direct COPY statement, and the equivalent BPXWDYN keys used by Managed File Transfer
Subparameters of the SPACE parameter for a COPY statement BPXWDYN key
av-rec-len No mapping
prim, [sec], [dir] SPACE(prim[,sec]), DIR
CONTIG No mapping
ROUND No mapping