CSECT keyword

The CSECT keyword and parameter is often associated with an abend code and can assist with identifying where the abend problem occurred.

To find the name of the failing CSECT, locate the LOC= label; the second word following it is the CSECT name. For an example, see Analyzing the dump and interpreting dump titles on z/OS.

Any CSECT name you locate should begin with the letters CSQ or CMQ. If you find a CSECT name with a different prefix, the problem is probably not in IBM MQ for z/OS.

Add the CSECT name to your keyword string:

    Free format
    5655R3600 R710 ABEND0C4 CSQVATRM

    Structured format
    PIDS/ 5655R3600 LVLS/ 710 AB/S00C4 RIDS/CSQVATRM

If required, narrow your search further by referring to Load module modifier keyword.

If we cannot find the CSECT, see Recovery routine modifier keyword.