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Analyzing the dump and interpreting dump titles on z/OS

Use this topic to understand how IBM MQ for z/OSĀ® dump titles are formatted, and how to analyze a dump.

Analyzing the dump

The dump title includes the abend completion and reason codes, the failing load module and CSECT names, and the release identifier. For more information on the dump title see Dump title variation with PSW and ASID

The formats of SVC dump titles vary slightly, depending on the type of error.

Figure 1 shows an example of an SVC dump title. Each field in the title is described after the figure.
Figure 1. Sample SVC dump title
  ssnm,ABN=5C6-00D303F2,U=AUSER,C=R3600. 710.LOCK-CSQL1GET,

Dump title variation with PSW and ASID

Some dump titles replace the load module name, CSECT name, and CSECT offset with the PSW (program status word) and ASID (address space identifier). Figure 2 illustrates this format.
Figure 2. Dump title with PSW and ASID