Dealing with incorrect output on z/OS
Incorrect output can be missing, unexpected, or corrupted information. Read this topic to investigate further.
The term "incorrect output᾿ can be interpreted in many different ways, and its meaning for problem determination with this product documentation is explained in Have you obtained incorrect output?.
The following topics contains information about the problems that you could encounter with your system and classify as incorrect output:Additional problems that you might encounter if our application uses distributed queues are also described.
- Application messages that do not arrive when you are expecting them
- Application messages that contain the wrong information, or information that has been corrupted
- Messages do not arrive when expected on z/OS
- Problems with missing messages when using distributed queuing on z/OS
- Problems with getting messages when using message grouping on z/OS
- Finding messages sent to a cluster queue on z/OS
- Finding messages sent to the IBM MQ - IMS bridge
- Messages contain unexpected or corrupted information on z/OS