Have you obtained incorrect output?
Use this topic to review any incorrect output we have received.
If we have obtained what you believe to be some incorrect output, consider the following:
- Classifying incorrect output
- "Incorrect output᾿ might be regarded as any output that you were not expecting. However, use this term with care in the context of problem determination because it might be a secondary effect of some other type of error. For example, looping could be occurring if you get any repetitive output, even though that output is what you expected.
- Error messages
- IBM MQ also responds to many errors it detects by sending error messages. You might regard these messages as "incorrect output᾿, but they are only symptoms of another type of problem. If we have received an error message from IBM MQ that you were not expecting, refer to Are there any error messages, return codes or other error conditions?.
- Unexpected messages
- If our application has not received a message that it was expecting, has received a message containing unexpected or corrupted information, or has received a message that it was not expecting (for example, one that was destined for a different application), refer to Dealing with incorrect output on z/OS.