Attributes for the queue manager on IBM i

A summary of queue manager attributes.

Some queue manager attributes are fixed for particular implementations, while others can be changed by using the MQSC command ALTER QMGR. The attributes can also be displayed by using the command DISPLAY QMGR. Most queue manager attributes can be inquired by opening a special OTQM object, and using the MQINQ call with the handle returned.

The following table summarizes the attributes that are specific to the queue manager. The attributes are described in alphabetical order.

Note: The names of the attributes shown in this section are the names used with the MQINQ and MQSET calls. When MQSC commands are used to define, alter, or display attributes, alternative short names are used; see Script (MQSC) Commands for more information.
Table 1. Attributes for the queue manager
Attribute Description
AlterationDate Date when definition was last changed
AlterationTime Time when definition was last changed
AuthorityEvent Controls whether authorization (Not Authorized) events are generated
BridgeEvent Controls whether IMS bridge events are generated
ChannelAutoDef Controls whether automatic channel definition is permitted
ChannelAutoDefEvent Controls whether channel automatic-definition events are generated
ChannelAutoDefExit Name of user exit for automatic channel definition
ChannelEvent Controls whether channel events are generated
ClusterCacheType Controls whether the cluster cache is fixed in size or dynamically sized
ClusterWorkloadData User data for cluster workload exit
ClusterWorkloadExit Name of user exit for cluster workload management
ClusterWorkloadLength Maximum length of message data passed to cluster workload exit
CodedCharSetId Coded character set identifier
CommandEvent Controls whether command event messages are queued
CommandInputQName Command input queue name
CommandLevel Command level
ConfigurationEvent Configuration event
DeadLetterQName Name of dead-letter queue
DefClusterXmitQueueType Default cluster transmission queue type
DefXmitQName Default transmission queue name
DistLists Distribution list support
InhibitEvent Controls whether inhibit (Inhibit Get and Inhibit Put) events are generated
LocalEvent Controls whether local error events are generated
LoggerEvent Controls whether recovery log events are generated
MaxHandles Maximum number of handles
MaxMsgLength Maximum message length in bytes
MaxPriority Maximum priority
MaxUncommittedMsgs Maximum number of uncommitted messages within a unit of work
PerformanceEvent Controls whether performance-related events are generated
Platform Platform on which the queue manager is running
PubSubMode Whether the publish/subscribe engine and queued publish/subscribe interface are running
QMgrDesc Queue manager description
QMgrIdentifier Unique internally-generated identifier of queue manager
QMgrName Queue manager name
RemoteEvent Controls whether remote error events are generated
RepositoryName Name of cluster for which this queue manager provides repository services
RepositoryNamelist Name of namelist object containing names of clusters for which this queue manager provides repository services
SSLCRLNamelist Name of namelist object containing names of authentication information objects (See Note 1)
SSLEvent Controls whether TLS events are generated
SSLKeyRepository Location of TLS key repository (See Note 1)
SSLKeyResetCount Determines the number of non-encrypted bytes sent and received within a TLS conversation before the encryption key is renegotiated
StartStopEvent Controls whether start and stop events are generated
SyncPoint Syncpoint availability
TraceRouteRecording Controls the recording of trace route information for messages
TreeLifeTime The lifetime, in seconds, of non-administrative topics
TriggerInterval Trigger-message interval
  1. This attribute cannot be inquired using the MQINQ call, and is not described in this section. For more information about this attribute, see Change Queue Manager.