InhibitGet (10-digit signed integer) on IBM® i

Controls whether get operations for this queue are allowed.

Local Model Alias Remote Cluster

If the queue is an alias queue, get operations must be allowed for both the alias and the base queue at the time of the get operation, in order for the MQGET call to succeed. The value is one of the following:

    Get operations are inhibited.

    MQGET calls fail with reason code RC2016. This includes MQGET calls that specify GMBRWF or GMBRWN.

    Note: If an MQGET call operating within a unit of work completes successfully, changing the value of the InhibitGet attribute after to QAGETI does not prevent the unit of work being committed.

    Get operations are allowed.

To determine the value of this attribute, use the IAIGET selector with the MQINQ call. To change the value of this attribute, use the MQSET call.