Create MQ Channel (CRTMQMCHL)

    Where allowed to run
    All environments (*ALL)


The Create MQ Channel (CRTMQMCHL) command creates a new MQ channel definition, specifying those attributes that are to be different from the default values.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
CHLNAME Channel name Character value Required, Key, Positional 1
CHLTYPE Channel type *RCVR, *SDR, *SVR, *RQSTR, *SVRCN, *CLUSSDR, *CLUSRCVR, *CLTCN Required, Key, Positional 2
MQMNAME Message Queue Manager name Character value, *DFT Optional, Key, Positional 3
REPLACE Replace *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 4
TRPTYPE Transport type *LU62, *TCP, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 5
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *BLANK, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 6
TGTMQMNAME Target Queue Manager Character value, *NONE, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 7
CONNAME Connection name Character value, *NONE, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 8
TPNAME Transaction Program Name Character value, *BLANK, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 9
MODENAME Mode Name Character value, *BLANK, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 10
TMQNAME Transmission queue Character value, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 11
MCANAME Message channel agent Single values: *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 12
Qualifier 1: Message channel agent Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB
MCAUSRID Message channel agent user ID Character value, *NONE, *PUBLIC, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 13
MCATYPE Message channel agent Type *PROCESS, *THREAD, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 14
BATCHINT Batch Interval 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 15
BATCHSIZE Batch size 1-9999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 16
DSCITV Disconnect interval 0-999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 17
SHORTTMR Short retry interval 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 18
SHORTRTY Short retry count 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 19
LONGTMR Long retry interval 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 20
LONGRTY Long retry count 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 21
SCYEXIT Security exit Single values: *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 22
Qualifier 1: Security exit Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB
CSCYEXIT Security exit Character value, *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Optional, Positional 23
SCYUSRDATA Security exit user data Character value, *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Optional, Positional 24
SNDEXIT Send exit Single values: *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Qualified object name Optional, Positional 25
Qualifier 1: Send exit Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB
CSNDEXIT Send exit Single values: *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Character value Optional, Positional 26
SNDUSRDATA Send exit user data Values (up to 10 repetitions): Character value, *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Optional, Positional 27
RCVEXIT Receive exit Single values: *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Qualified object name Optional, Positional 28
Qualifier 1: Receive exit Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB
CRCVEXIT Receive exit Single values: *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Character value Optional, Positional 29
RCVUSRDATA Receive exit user data Values (up to 10 repetitions): Character value, *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Optional, Positional 30
MSGEXIT Message exit Single values: *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Qualified object name Optional, Positional 31
Qualifier 1: Message exit Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB
MSGUSRDATA Message exit user data Values (up to 10 repetitions): Character value, *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Optional, Positional 32
MSGRTYEXIT Message retry exit Single values: *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 33
Qualifier 1: Message retry exit Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB
MSGRTYDATA Message retry exit data Character value, *SYSDFTCHL, *NONE Optional, Positional 34
MSGRTYNBR Number of message retries 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 35
MSGRTYITV Message retry interval 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 36
CVTMSG Convert message *YES, *NO, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 37
PUTAUT Put authority *DFT, *CTX, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 38
SEQNUMWRAP Sequence number wrap 100-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 39
MAXMSGLEN Maximum message length 0-104857600, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 40
HRTBTINTVL Heartbeat interval 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 41
NPMSPEED Non Persistent Message Speed *FAST, *NORMAL, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 42
CLUSTER Cluster Name Character value, *NONE, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 43
CLUSNL Cluster Name List Character value, *NONE, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 44
NETPRTY Network Connection Priority 0-9, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 45

CipherSpec TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA is deprecated.

SSLCAUTH TLS Client Authentication *REQUIRED, *OPTIONAL, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 47
SSLPEER TLS Peer name Character value, *NONE, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 48
LOCLADDR Local communication address Character value, *NONE, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 49
BATCHHB Batch Heartbeat Interval 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 50
USERID Task user identifier Character value, *NONE, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 51
PASSWORD Password Character value, *NONE, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 52
KAINT Keep Alive Interval Integer, *AUTO, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 53
COMPHDR Header Compression Values (up to 2 repetitions): *NONE, *SYSTEM, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 54
COMPMSG Message Compression Single values: *ANY Other values (up to 4 repetitions): *NONE, *RLE, *ZLIBHIGH, *ZLIBFAST, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 55
MONCHL Channel Monitoring *QMGR, *OFF, *LOW, *MEDIUM, *HIGH, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 56
STATCHL Channel Statistics *QMGR, *OFF, *LOW, *MEDIUM, *HIGH, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 57
CLWLRANK Cluster Workload Rank 0-9, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 58
CLWLPRTY Cluster Workload Priority 0-9, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 59
CLWLWGHT Cluster Channel Weight 1-99, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 60
SHARECNV Sharing Conversations 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 61
PROPCTL Property Control *COMPAT, *NONE, *ALL, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 62
MAXINST Maximum Instances 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 63
MAXINSTC Maximum Instances Per Client 0-999999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 64
CLNTWGHT Client Channel Weight 0-99, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 65
AFFINITY Connection Affinity *PREFERRED, *NONE, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 66
BATCHLIM Batch Data Limit 0-999999, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 67
DFTRECON Default client reconnetion *NO, *YES, *QMGR, *DISABLED, *SYSDFTCHL Optional, Positional 68

Channel name (CHLNAME)

Specifies the name of the new channel definition; the name can contain a maximum of 20 characters. Channel names must be unique. If a channel definition with this name already exists, REPLACE(*YES) must be specified.

Channel type (CHLTYPE)

Specifies the type of the channel being defined.

The possible values are:

    Sender channel

    Server channel

    Receiver channel

    Requester channel

    Server-connection channel

    Cluster-sender channel

    Cluster-receiver channel

    Client-connection channel

Message Queue Manager name (MQMNAME)

Specifies the name of the message queue manager.

The possible values are:

    The default queue manager is used. If we do not have a default queue manager defined on the system, the command fails.

    The name of a message queue manager.

Replace (REPLACE)

Specifies whether the new channel definition should replace an existing channel definition with the same name.

The possible values are:

    Do not replace the existing channel definition. The command fails if the named channel definition already exists.

    Replace the existing channel definition. If there is no definition with the same name, a new definition is created.

Transport type (TRPTYPE)

Specifies the transmission protocol.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    SNA LU 6.2.

    Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

Text 'description' (TEXT)

Specifies text that briefly describes the channel definition.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The text is set to a blank string.

    Specify no more than 64 characters enclosed in apostrophes.

    Note: The field length is 64 bytes and the maximum number of characters is reduced if the system is using a double byte character set (DBCS).

Target Queue Manager (TGTMQMNAME)

Specifies the name of the target queue manager.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The name of the target queue manager for a client connection channel (CHLTYPE) *CLTCN is unspecified.

    The name of the target message queue manager for a client connection channel (CHLTYPE) *CLTCN.

    For other channel types this parameter must not be specified.

Connection name (CONNAME)

Specifies the name of the machine to connect.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The connection name is blank.

    Specify the connection name as required by the transmission protocol:

    • For *LU62, specify the name of the CSI object.
    • For *TCP, specify either the host name, or the network address of the remote machine (or the local machine for cluster-receiver channels). This can be followed by an optional port number enclosed in parentheses. On Multiplatforms, the TCP/IP connection name parameter of a cluster-receiver channel is optional. If you leave the connection name blank, IBM MQ generates a connection name for you, assuming the default port and using the current IP address of the system. We can override the default port number, but still use the current IP address of the system. For each connection name leave the IP name blank, and provide the port number in parentheses; for example:
      The generated CONNAME is always in the dotted decimal (IPv4) or hexadecimal (IPv6) form, rather than in the form of an alphanumeric DNS host name.

      Where a port is not specified the default port 1414 is assumed.

    For cluster-receiver channels the connection name relates to the local queue manager, and for other channels it relates to the target queue manager.

    This parameter is required for channels with channel type (CHLTYPE) of *SDR, *RQSTR, *CLTCN and *CLUSSDR. It is optional for *SVR and *CLUSRCVR channels, and is not valid for *RCVR or *SVRCN channels.

Transaction Program Name (TPNAME)

This parameter is valid for channels with a TRPTYPE defined as LU 6.2 only.

This parameter must be set to the SNA transaction program name, unless the CONNAME contains a side-object name in which case it must be set to blanks. The name is taken instead from the CPI-C Communications Side Object.

This parameter is not valid for channels with a CHLTYPE defined as *RCVR.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute does not change.

    No transaction program name is specified.

    The transaction program name is taken from CPI-C Communications Side Object. The side object name must be specified in the CONNAME parameter.

    Transaction Program Name
    Specify the SNA transaction program name.

Mode Name (MODENAME)

This parameter is valid for channels with a TRPTYPE defined as LU 6.2. If TRPTYPE is not defined as LU 6.2 the data is ignored and no error message is issued.

If specified, the value must be set to the SNA mode name, unless the CONNAME contains a side-object name, in which case it must be set to blanks. The name is then taken from the CPI-C Communications Side Object.

This parameter is not valid for channels with CHLTYPE defined as *RCVR or *SVRCONN.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Name will be taken from the CPI-C Communications Side Object. This must be specified in the CONNAME parameter.

    No mode name is specified.

    Specify the SNA Mode Name

Transmission queue (TMQNAME)

Specifies the name of the transmission queue.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify the name of the transmission queue.

    A transmission queue name is required if the channel type (CHLTYPE) is *SDR or *SVR. For other channel types, the parameter must not be specified.

Message channel agent (MCANAME)

This parameter is reserved and should not be used.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The MCA program name is blank.

This parameter cannot be specified for a channel type (CHLTYPE) of *RCVR, *SVRCN, or *CLTCN.

Message channel agent user ID (MCAUSRID)

Specifies the message channel agent user identifier which is to be used by the message channel agent for authorization to access MQ resources, including (if PUTAUT is *DFT) authorization to put the message to the destination queue for receiver or requester channels.

The possible values are:

    The value is taken from the system default channel for the type of the channel being created.

    The message channel agent uses its default user identifier.

    Uses the public authority.

    Specify the user identifier to be used.

This parameter cannot be specified for a channel type (CHLTYPE) of *CLTCN.

Message channel agent Type (MCATYPE)

Specifies whether the message-channel-agent program should run as a thread or a process.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The message channel agent runs as a separate process.

    The message channel agent runs as a separate thread.

This parameter can only be specified for a channel type (CHLTYPE) of *SDR, *SVR, *RQSTR, *CLUSSDR or *CLUSRCVR.

Batch Interval (BATCHINT)

The minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, that a channel will keep a batch open.

The batch is terminated by which ever of the following occurs first: BATCHSZ messages have been sent,BATCHLIM bytes have been sent, or the transmission queue is empty and BATCHINT is exceeded.

The default value is 0, which means that the batch is terminated as soon as the transmission queue becomes empty (or the BATCHSZ limit is reached).

The value must be in the range 0 through 999999999.

This parameter is valid for channels with CHLTYPE defined as *SDR, *SVR, *CLUSSDR, or *CLUSRCVR.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999. A value of 0 indicates the batch will be terminated as soon as the transmission queue is empty,

Batch size (BATCHSIZE)

Specifies the maximum number of messages that should be sent down a channel before a checkpoint is taken.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 1 through 9999

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Disconnect interval (DSCITV)

Specifies the disconnect interval, which defines the maximum number of seconds that the channel waits for messages to be put on a transmission queue before closing the channel.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999. A value of 0 indicates an indefinite wait.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *RCVR, *RQSTR or *CLTCN.

Short retry interval (SHORTTMR)

Specifies the short retry wait interval for a sender, server or cluster channel (*SDR, *SVR, *CLUSSDR or *CLUSRCVR) that is started automatically by the channel initiator. This defines the interval between attempts to establish a connection to the remote machine.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999.

    Note: For implementation reasons, the maximum retry interval that can be used is 999999; values exceeding this are treated as 999999.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *RCVR, *RQSTR, *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Short retry count (SHORTRTY)

Specifies the short retry count for a sender, server or cluster channel (*SDR, *SVR, *CLUSSDR or *CLUSRCVR) that is started automatically by the channel initiator. This defines the maximum number of attempts that are made to establish a connection to the remote machine, at intervals specified by SHORTTMR, before the (normally longer) LONGRTY and LONGTMR are used.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999. A value of 0 means that no retries are allowed.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *RCVR, *RQSTR, *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Long retry interval (LONGTMR)

Specifies the long retry wait interval for a sender, server or cluster channel (*SDR, *SVR, *CLUSSDR or *CLUSRCVR) that is started automatically by the channel initiator. It defines the interval in seconds between attempts to establish a connection to the remote machine, after the count specified by SHORTRTY has been exhausted.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999.

    Note: For implementation reasons, the maximum retry interval that can be used is 999999; values exceeding this are treated as 999999.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *RCVR, *RQSTR, *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Long retry count (LONGRTY)

Specifies the long retry count for a sender, server or cluster channel (*SDR, *SVR, *CLUSSDR or *CLUSRCVR) that is started automatically by the channel initiator. This defines the maximum number of further attempts that are made to connect to the remote machine, at intervals specified by LONGTMR, after the count specified by SHORTRTY has been exhausted. An error message is logged if the connection is not established after the defined number of attempts.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999. A value of 0 means that no retries are allowed.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *RCVR, *RQSTR, *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Security exit (SCYEXIT)

Specifies the name of the program to be called as the security exit. If a nonblank name is defined, the exit is invoked at the following times:

  • Immediately after establishing a channel.

    Before any messages are transferred, the exit is given the opportunity to instigate security flows to validate connection authorization.

  • On receipt of a response to a security message flow.

    Any security message flows received from the remote processor on the remote machine are passed to the exit.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The security exit program is not invoked.

    Specify the name of the security exit program.

    Specify the name of the library that contains the exit program. This parameter must be present if an exit program name is specified.

Security exit (CSCYEXIT)

Specifies the name of the program to be called as the client security exit. If a nonblank name is defined, the exit is invoked at the following times:

  • Immediately after establishing a channel.

    Before any messages are transferred, the exit is given the opportunity to instigate security flows to validate connection authorization.

  • On receipt of a response to a security message flow.

    Any security message flows received from the remote processor on the remote machine are passed to the exit.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the SYSTEM.DEF.CLNTCONN channel.

    The client security exit program is not invoked.

    Specify the name of the client security exit program.

Security exit user data (SCYUSRDATA)

Specifies a maximum of 32 characters of user data that is passed to the channel security exit program.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The user data for the security exit is not specified.

    Specify the user data for the security exit program.

Send exit (SNDEXIT)

Specifies the entry point of the program to be called as the send exit. If a nonblank name is defined, the exit is invoked immediately before data is sent out on the network. The exit is given the complete transmission buffer before it is transmitted; the contents of the buffer can be modified as required.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The send exit is not invoked.

    Specify the name of the send exit program.

    Specify the name of the library that contains the exit program. This parameter must be present if an exit program name is specified.

Send exit (CSNDEXIT)

Specifies the entry point of the program to be called as the client send exit. If a nonblank name is defined, the exit is invoked immediately before data is sent out on the network. The exit is given the complete transmission buffer before it is transmitted; the contents of the buffer can be modified as required.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the SYSTEM.DEF.CLNTCONN channel.

    The client send exit is not invoked.

    Specify the name of the client send exit program.

Send exit user data (SNDUSRDATA)

Specifies a maximum of 32 characters of user data that is passed to the send exit program.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The user data for the send exit program is not specified.

    Specify a maximum of 32 characters of user data for the send exit program.

Receive exit (RCVEXIT)

Specifies the entry point of the program to be called as the receive exit. If a nonblank name is defined, the exit is invoked before data received from the network is processed. The complete transmission buffer is passed to the exit and the contents of the buffer can be modified as required.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The receive exit program is not invoked.

    Specify the name of the receive exit program.

    Specify the name of the library that contains the exit program. This parameter must be present if an exit program name is specified.

Receive exit (CRCVEXIT)

Specifies the entry point of the program to be called as the client receive exit. If a nonblank name is defined, the exit is invoked before data received from the network is processed. The complete transmission buffer is passed to the exit and the contents of the buffer can be modified as required.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the SYSTEM.DEF.CLNTCONN channel.

    The client receive exit program is not invoked.

    Specify the name of the client receive exit program.

Receive exit user data (RCVUSRDATA)

Specifies user data that is passed to the receive exit.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The user data for the receive exit program is not specified.

    Specify a maximum of 32 characters of user data for the receive exit program.

Message exit (MSGEXIT)

Specifies the entry point of the program to be called as the message exit. If a nonblank name is defined, the exit is invoked immediately after a message has been retrieved from the transmission queue. The exit is given the entire application message and message descriptor for modification.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The message exit program is not invoked.

    Specify the name of the message exit program.

    Specify the name of the library that contains the exit program. This parameter must be present if an exit program name is specified.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Message exit user data (MSGUSRDATA)

Specifies user data that is passed to the message exit program.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The user data for the message exit program is not specified.

    Specify a maximum of 32 characters of user data for the message exit program.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Message retry exit (MSGRTYEXIT)

Specifies the entry point of the program to be called as the message retry exit.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The message retry exit program is not invoked.

    Specify the name of the message retry exit program.

    Specify the name of the library that contains the exit program. This parameter must be present if an exit program name is specified.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *SDR, *SVR, *CLTCN, *SVRCN or *CLUSSDR.

Message retry exit data (MSGRTYDATA)

Specifies user data that is passed to the message retry exit program.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The user data for the message retry exit program is not specified.

    Specify a maximum of 32 characters of user data for the message retry exit program.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *SDR, *SVR, *CLTCN, *SVRCN or *CLUSSDR.

Number of message retries (MSGRTYNBR)

Specifies the number of times the channel will retry before it decides it cannot deliver the message. This attribute controls the action of the MCA only if the message-retry exit name is blank, the value of MSGRTYNBR is passed to the exit for the exit's use, but the number of retries performed is controlled by the exit, and not by this attribute.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999. A value of 0 signifies no retries will be performed.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *SDR, *SVR, *CLTCN, *SVRCN or *CLUSSDR.

Message retry interval (MSGRTYITV)

Specifies the minimum interval of time that must pass before the channel can retry the MQPUT operation. This time is in milliseconds.

This attribute controls the action of the MCA only if the message-retry exit name is blank, the value of MSGRTYITV is passed to the exit for the exit's use, but the retry interval is controlled by the exit, and not by this attribute.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999. A value of 0 signifies that the retry will be performed as soon as possible.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *SDR, *SVR, *CLTCN, *SVRCN or *CLUSSDR.

Convert message (CVTMSG)

Specifies whether the application data in the message should be converted before the message is transmitted.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel for the type of channel being created.

    The application data in the message is converted before sending.

    The application data in the message is not converted before sending.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *RCVR, *RQSTR, *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Put authority (PUTAUT)

Specifies whether the user identifier in the context information associated with a message should be used to establish authority to put the message on the destination queue. This applies only to receiver and requester (*CLUSRCVR, *RCVR and *RQSTR) channels.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    No authority check is made before the message is put on the destination queue.

    The user identifier in the message context information is used to establish authority to put the message.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *SDR, *SVR, *CLTCN, *SVRCN or *CLUSSDR.

Sequence number wrap (SEQNUMWRAP)

Specifies the maximum message sequence number. When the maximum is reached, sequence numbers wrap to start again at 1.

Note: The maximum message sequence number is not negotiable; the local and remote channels must wrap at the same number.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 100 through 999999999.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Maximum message length (MAXMSGLEN)

Specifies the maximum message length that can be transmitted on the channel. This is compared with the value for the remote channel and the actual maximum is the lower of the two values.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 104857600. A value of 0 signifies that the maximum length is unlimited.

Heartbeat interval (HRTBTINTVL)

Specifies The time, in seconds, between heartbeat flows passed from the sending MCA when there are no messages on the transmission queue. The heartbeat exchange gives the receiving MCA the opportunity to quiesce the channel.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999. A value of 0 means that no heartbeat exchanges are to take place.

    Note: For implementation reasons, the maximum heartbeat interval that can be used is 999999; values exceeding this are treated as 999999.

Non Persistent Message Speed (NPMSPEED)

Specifies whether the channel supports Fast Non Persistant Messages.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute does not change.

    The channel supports fast non persistant messages.

    The channel does not support fast non persistant messages.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Cluster Name (CLUSTER)

The name of the cluster to which the channel belongs. The maximum length is 48 characters conforming to the rules for naming MQ objects.

This parameter is valid only for *CLUSSDR and *CLUSRCVR channels. If the CLUSNL parameter is non-blank, this parameter must be blank.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    No cluster name is specififed.

    The name of the cluster to which the channel belongs. The maximum length is 48 characters conforming to the rules for naming MQ objects.

Cluster Name List (CLUSNL)

The name of the namelist that specifies a list of clusters to which the channel belongs

This parameter is valid only for *CLUSSDR and *CLUSRCVR channels. If the CLUSTER parameter is non-blank, this parameter must be blank.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    No cluster namelist is specififed.

    The name of the namelist specifying a list of clusters to which the channel belongs. The maximum length is 48 characters conforming to the rules for naming MQ objects.

Network Connection Priority (NETPRTY)

The priority for the network connection. Distributed queuing chooses the path with the highest priority if there are multiple paths available. The value must be in the range between 0 and 9 where 0 is the lowest priority.

This parameter is valid only for *CLUSRCVR channels.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 9; 0 is the lowest priority.

TLS CipherSpec (SSLCIPH)

SSLCIPH specifies the CipherSpec used in TLS channel negotiation. The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The name of the CipherSpec.
    Note: From IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 2, the SSLv3 protocol and the use of some IBM MQ CipherSpecs is deprecated. For more information, see Deprecated CipherSpecs.

TLS Client Authentication (SSLCAUTH)

SSLCAUTH specifies whether the channel should carry out client authentication over TLS. The parameter is used only for channels with SSLCIPH specified.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Client authentication is required.

    Client authentication is optional.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *SDR, *CLTCN or *CLUSSDR.

TLS Peer name (SSLPEER)

SSLPEER specifies the X500 peer name used in TLS channel negotiation. The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The X500 peer name to use.

Note: An alternative way of restricting connections into channels by matching against the TLS Subject Distinguished Name, is to use channel authentication records. With channel authentication records, different TLS Subject Distinguished Name patterns can be applied to the same channel. If both SSLPEER on the channel and a channel authentication record are used to apply to the same channel, the inbound certificate must match both patterns in order to connect. For more information, see Channel authentication records.

Local communication address (LOCLADDR)

Specifies the local communication address for the channel.

This parameter is only valid for *SDR, *SVR, *RQSTR, *CLUSSDR, *CLUSRCVR and *CLTCN channels.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The connection is blank.

    Only valid for transport type TCP/IP. Specify the optional IP address and optional port or port range used for outbound TCP/IP communications. The format is:

Batch Heartbeat Interval (BATCHHB)

The time in milliseconds used to determine whether batch heartbeating occurs on this channel. Batch heartbeating allows sender-type channels to determine whether the remote channel instance is still active before going in-doubt. A batch heartbeat will occur if a sender-type channel has not communicated with the remote channel within the specified time.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999. A value of 0 indicates that batch heartbeating is not to be used.

    Note: For implementation reasons, the maximum batch heartbeat interval that can be used is 999999; values exceeding this are treated as 999999.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *RCVR, *RQSTR, *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Task user identifier (USERID)

This is used by the message channel agent when attempting to initiate a secure LU 6.2 session with a remote message channel agent.

This parameter is valid only for channels with a channel type (CHLTYPE) of *SDR, *SVR, *RQSTR, *CLTCN or *CLUSSDR.

Although the maximum length of the attribute is 12 characters, only the first 10 characters are used.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    No user identifier is specified.

    Specify the task user identifier.

Password (PASSWORD)

This is used by the message channel agent when attempting to initiate a secure LU 6.2 session with a remote message channel agent.

This parameter is valid only for channels with a channel type (CHLTYPE) of *SDR, *SVR, *RQSTR, *CLTCN or *CLUSSDR.

Although the maximum length of the attribute is 12 characters, only the first 10 characters are used.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    No password is specified.

    Specify the password.

Keep Alive Interval (KAINT)

Specifies the Keep Alive timing interval for this channel.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel for the type of channel being created.

    The Keep Alive interval is calculated based upon the negotiated heartbeat value as follows:

    • If the negotiated HBINT is greater than 0, Keep Alive interval is set to that value plus 60 seconds.
    • If the negotiated HBINT is 0, the value used is that specified by the KEEPALIVEOPTIONS statement in the TCP profile configuration data set.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 99999.

Header Compression (COMPHDR)

The list of header data compression techniques supported by the channel.

For channel types sender, server, cluster sender, cluster receiver and client connection (*SDR, *SVR, *CLUSSDR, *CLUSRCVR and *CLTCN) the values specified are in order of preference with the first compression technique supported by the remote end of the channel being used.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    No header data compression is performed.

    Header data compression is performed.

Message Compression (COMPMSG)

The list of message data compression techniques supported by the channel.

For channel types sender, server, cluster sender, cluster receiver and client connection (*SDR, *SVR, *CLUSSDR, *CLUSRCVR and *CLTCN) the values specified are in order of preference with the first compression technique supported by the remote end of the channel being used.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    No message data compression is performed.

    Message data compression is performed using run-length encoding.

    Message data compression is performed using the zlib compression technique. A fast compression time is preferred.

    Message data compression is performed using the zlib compression technique. A high level of compression is preferred.

    Any compression technique supported by the queue manager can be used. Only valid for channel types Receiver, Requester and Server-Connection.

Channel Monitoring (MONCHL)

Controls the collection of online monitoring data.

Online monitoring data is not collected when the queue manager attribute MONCHL is set to *NONE.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The collection of Online Monitoring Data is inherited from the setting of the queue manager attribute MONCHL.

    Online Monitoring Data collection for this channel is disabled.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection.

This parameter cannot be specified for a channel type (CHLTYPE) of *CLTCN.

Channel Statistics (STATCHL)

Controls the collection of statistics data.

Statistics data is not collected when the queue manager attribute STATCHL is set to *NONE.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Statistics data collection is based upon the setting of the queue manager attribute STATCHL.

    Statistics data collection for this channel is disabled.

    Statistics data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection.

    Statistics data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection.

    Statistics data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection.

This parameter cannot be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

Cluster Workload Rank (CLWLRANK)

Specifies the cluster workload rank of the channel.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The cluster workload rank of the channel in the range 0 through 9.

Cluster Workload Priority (CLWLPRTY)

Specifies the cluster workload priority of the channel.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The cluster workload priority of the channel in the range 0 through 9.

Cluster Channel Weight (CLWLWGHT)

Specifies the cluster workload weight of the channel.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The cluster workload weight of the channel in the range 1 through 99.

Sharing Conversations (SHARECNV)

Specifies the maximum the number of conversations which can be shared over a particular TCP/IP client channel instance (socket).

This parameter is valid for channels with CHLTYPE defined as *CLTCN or *SVRCN.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specifies no sharing of conversations over a TCP/IP socket. The channel instance runs in a mode prior to that of IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, with regard to:

    • Administrator stop-quiesce
    • Heartbeating
    • Read ahead

    Specifies no sharing of conversations over a TCP/IP socket. Client heartbeating and read ahead are available, whether in an MQGET call or not, and channel quiescing is more controllable.

    The number of shared conversations in the range 2 through 999999999.

    Note: If the client-connection SHARECNV value does not match the server-connection SHARECNV value, the lower of the two values is used.

Property Control (PROPCTL)

Specifies what happens to properties of messages when the message is about to be sent to a V6 or prior queue manager (a queue manager that does not understand the concept of a property descriptor).

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    If the message contains a property with a prefix of "mcd.", "jms.", "usr." or "mqext." then all optional message properties, except those in the message descriptor (or extension) will be placed in one or more MQRFH2 headers in the message data before the message is sent to the remote queue manager.

    All properties of the message, except those in the message descriptor (or extension), will be removed from the message before the message is sent to the remote queue manager.

    All properties of the message will be included with the message when it is sent to the remote queue manager. The properties, except those in the message descriptor (or extension), will be placed in one or more MQRFH2 headers in the message data.

Maximum Instances (MAXINST)

Specifies the maximum number of clients that can simultaneously connect to the queue manager via this server-connection channel object.

This attribute is valid only for server-connection channels.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The maximum number of simultaneous instances of the channel in the range 0 through 99999999.

    A value of zero prevents all client access. If the value is reduced below the number of instances of the server connection channel currently running, the running channels will not be affected, but new instances will not be able to start until sufficient existing ones have ceased to run.

Maximum Instances Per Client (MAXINSTC)

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous instances of an individual server-connection channel which can be started from a single client.

In this context, multiple client connections origininating from the same remote network address are considered to be a single client.

This attribute is valid only for server-connection channels.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The maximum number of simultaneous instances of the channel which can be in the started from a single client in the range 0 through 99999999.

    A value of zero prevents all client access. If the value is reduced below the number of instances of the server connection channel currently running from individual clients, the running channels will not be affected, but new instances will not be able to start until sufficient existing ones have ceased to run.

Client Channel Weight (CLNTWGHT)

The client channel weighting attribute is used so client channel definitions can be selected at random based on their weighting when more than one suitable definition is available.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The client channel weight in the range 0 through 99.

Connection Affinity (AFFINITY)

The channel affinity attribute is used so client applications that connect multiple times using the same queue manager name can choose whether to use the same client channel definition for each connection.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    The first connection in a process reading a client channel definition table (CCDT) creates a list of applicable definitions based on the weighting with any applicable CLNTWGHT(0) definitions first and in alphabetical order. Each connection in the process attempts to connect using the first definition in the list. If a connection is unsuccessful the next definition is used. Unsuccessful non CLNTWGHT(0) definitions are moved to the end of the list. CLNTWGHT(0) definitions remain at the start of the list and are selected first for each connection.

    The first connection in a process reading a CCDT creates a list of applicable definitions. All connections in a process select an applicable definition based on the weighting with any applicable CLNTWGHT(0) definitions selected first in alphabetical order.

Batch Data Limit (BATCHLIM)

The limit, in kilobytes, of the amount of data that can be sent through a channel before taking a sync point. A sync point is taken after the message that caused the limit to be reached has flowed across the channel. A value of zero in this attribute means that no data limit is applied to batches over this channel.

The batch is terminated when one of the following conditions is met:

  • BATCHSZ messages have been sent.
  • BATCHLIM bytes have been sent.
  • The transmission queue is empty and BATCHINT is exceeded.

This parameter is valid only for channels with a channel type (CHLTYPE) of SDR, SVR, CLUSSDR, or CLUSRCVR.

The value must be in the range 0 - 999999. The default value is 5000.

The BATCHLIM parameter is supported on all platforms.

The possible values are:

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999.

This parameter can only be specified for channel types (CHLTYPE) *SDR, *SVR, *CLUSSDR, or *CLUSRCVR.

Pending Reset Seqence Number (RESETSEQ)

Pending reset sequence number.

This is the sequence number from an outstanding request and it indicates a user RESET CHANNEL command request is outstanding.

The possible value is:

    A value of zero indicates that there is no outstanding RESET CHANNEL. The value can be in the range 1 - 999999999.

Default client reconnection (DFTRECON)

Specifies whether a client connection automatically reconnects a client application if its connection breaks.

    The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.

    Unless overridden by MQCONNX, the client is not reconnected automatically.

    Unless overridden by MQCONNX, the client reconnects automatically.

    Unless overridden by MQCONNX, the client reconnects automatically, but only to the same queue manager. The QMGR option has the same effect as MQCNO_RECONNECT_Q_MGR.

    Reconnection is disabled, even if requested by the client program using the MQCONNX MQI call.

This parameter is specified for a client connection channel, (CHLTYPE) *CLTCN



Error messages
