New and changed messages in Version 9.0.4
A summary of the new messages that have been added for IBM MQ Version 9.0.4, with links to further information. Any messages that have been changed are also listed.
- New and changed IBM MQ AMQ messages
- New and changed REST API messages
- New and changed IBM MQ Console messages
- New IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain messages
- New IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce messages
- New and changed Managed File Transfer messages
- New and changed IBM MQ for z/OS CSQ messages
New and changed IBM MQ AMQ messages
The following IBM MQ AMQ messages are new for Version 9.0.4:
- AMQ3xxx: Utilities and tools
- AMQ3774 to AMQ3899
- AMQ4xxx: User interface messages (Windows and Linux systems)
- AMQ4638
- AMQ5xxx: Installable services
- AMQ5062
- AMQ6xxx: Common Services
- AMQ6323 (UNIX and Linux)
- AMQ7xxx: IBM MQ product
- AMQ7354 to AMQ7361
- AMQ8xxx: Administration
- AMQ8124
- AMQ9xxx: Remote
- AMQ9097
The following AMQ messages are changed for Version 9.0.4:
- AMQ5xxx: Installable services
- AMQ5059
- AMQ6xxx: Common Services
- AMQ6052
- AMQ7xxx: IBM MQ product
- AMQ7701 to AMQ7704
- AMQ8xxx: Administration
- AMQ8121
New and changed REST API messages
From Version 9.0.4, the numbering pattern for REST API messages has changed. The prefix "REST" becomes "MQWB0", and the message type identifier is added to the end of each message number. For example, REST000 becomes MQWB0000E.
The following REST API messages are new for Version 9.0.4:
- MQWB00xx: REST API messages MQWB0000 to 0099
- MQWB0075E to MQWB0085E
- MQWB01xx: REST API messages MQWB0100 to 0199
- MQWB0115E to MQWB0118E
- MQWB02xx: REST API messages MQWB0200 to 0299
- MQWB0201E to MQWB0208E
- MQWB03xx: REST API messages MQWB0300 to 0399
- MQWB0300E to MQWB0314E
The following REST API messages are changed for Version 9.0.4:
- MQWB00xx: REST API messages MQWB0000 to 0099
- MQWB0007E
- MQWB01xx: REST API messages MQWB0100 to 0199
- MQWB0103E
New and changed IBM MQ Console messages
From Version 9.0.4, the numbering pattern for IBM MQ Console messages has changed. The prefix "WMQWB0" becomes "MQWB2". For example, WMQWB0001 becomes MQWB2001. There are no other changes.
There are no new IBM MQ Console messages for Version 9.0.4.
New IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain messages
The following IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain messages are new for Version 9.0.4:
- IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain messages AMQBC000 to 999
- AMQBC001 to AMQBC051
New IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce messages
The following IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce messages are new for Version 9.0.4:
- IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce messages AMQSF000 to 999
- AMQSF001 to AMQSF037
New and changed Managed File Transfer messages
The following Managed File Transfer messages are new for Version 9.0.4:
- BFGBR0001 - BFGBR9999
- BFGBR0208E
- BFGCH0001 - BFGCH9999
- BFGCH0127I
- BFGDB0001 - BFGDB9999
- BFGDB0079E
- BFGMQ0001 - BFGMQ9999
- BFGMQ1045I
The following Managed File Transfer messages are changed for Version 9.0.4:
- BFGAG0001 - BFGAG9999
- BFGAG0141E
- BFGIO0001 - BFGIO9999
- BFGIO0410E
- BFGPR0001 - BFGPR9999
- BFGPR0139E
- BFGSS0001 - BFGSS9999
- BFGSS0071E
New and changed IBM MQ for z/OS CSQ messages
The following IBM MQ for z/OSĀ® CSQ messages are new for Version 9.0.4:
- Message manager messages (CSQM...)
- CSQM102E
- Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)
- CSQX674E
The following CSQ messages are changed for Version 9.0.4:
- CICSĀ® adapter and Bridge messages (CSQC...)
- All CSQC messages (CSQC100D to CSQC792I) replaced by a link into the DFHMQnnnn messages section of the CICS documentation.
- Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)
- CSQJ414I
- Message manager messages (CSQM...)
- CSQM574E
- Utilities messages (CSQU...)
- CSQU586I
- Advanced Message Security (CSQ0...)
- CSQ0608E