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Refreshing proxy subscriptions

We can refresh proxy subscriptions on an IBM MQ queue manager.

About this task

Refreshing proxy subscriptions resynchronizes all the proxy subscriptions with all other directly connected queue managers in any cluster or hierarchy in which this queue manager is participating. You must refresh the proxy subscriptions only in exceptional circumstances, for example, when the queue manager is receiving subscriptions that it must not be sent, or not receiving subscriptions that it must receive. The following list describes some of the exceptional reasons for refreshing proxy subscriptions:

Missing proxy subscriptions can be caused if the closest matching topic definition is specified with Subscription scope set to Queue Manager or it has an empty or incorrect cluster name. Note that Publication scope does not prevent the sending of proxy subscriptions, but does prevent publications from being delivered to them.

Extraneous proxy subscriptions can be caused if the closest matching topic definition is specified with Proxy subscription behavior set to Force.

Missing or extraneous proxy subscriptions that are due to configuration errors are not changed by issuing a resynchronization. A resynchronization does resolve missing or extraneous publications as a result of the exceptional reasons listed.

To refresh the proxy subscriptions of a queue manager:


  1. In the Navigator view, select the queue manager that you want refresh the proxy subscriptions of.
  2. Right-click the queue manager, then click Publish/Subscribe > Refresh Proxy Subscriptions.


The Refresh proxy subscriptions dialog opens. We can now click Yes to refresh the proxy subscriptions, or click No to close the dialog.