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Verifying that the test message was sent

Before you begin

Before getting the test message from the local queue, you must already have completed the following tasks in this tutorial:

About this task

This topic shows how to verify that the test message was sent.We can perform this task using either of the following interfaces:

Verifying that the test message was sent using IBM MQ Explorer


  1. In the Navigator view, expand the Queue Managers folder, then expand QM_APPLE.
  2. Click the Queues folder.
  3. In the Content view, right-click Q1, then click Browse Messages. The Message browser opens to show the list of the messages that are currently on Q1.
  4. Double-click the last message to open its properties dialog.


On the Data page of the properties dialog, the Message data field displays the content of the message in human-readable form, as shown in the following screen capture:

Verifying that the test message was sent

About this task

The amqsget sample program is used to get the message back from the queue.

Open a command prompt and follow these steps:


Start the amqsget sample program:

  • On Windows, type the following command:
    amqsget Q1 QM_APPLE
  • On Linux , change to the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/samp/bin directory, where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the high-level directory in which IBM MQ is installed. Type the following command:
    ./amqsget Q1 QM_APPLE


The sample program starts, and your message is displayed along with any other messages on this queue. After a pause of 15 seconds, the sample ends and the command prompt is displayed again.

You have now completed this tutorial.