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Putting a test message on the queue

Put a test message on a remote queue using only the MQSC command-line interface.

Before you begin

Before putting a test message on the queue, you must already have completed the following tasks in this tutorial:

About this task

Perform this task on the sending machine (the machine that hosts the queue manager QM_ORANGE).

The amqsput sample program is used to put a message onto the queue that you created:


  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Start the amqsput sample program as follows:

    • On Windows, type the command:
      amqsput Q1 QM_ORANGE
    • On Linux, change to the /opt/mqm/samp/bin directory and type the command:
       ./amqsput Q1 QM_ORANGE
    The following messages are displayed:Sample amqsput0 start
    target queue is Q1
  3. Type some message text on one or more lines, then press Enter twice. The following message is displayed:Sample amqsput0 end


You have now created a test message and put it onto the remote queue. The next task is to verify that the test message was received.