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Creating the queue manager on the sending machine

Before you begin

Before creating a queue manager on the sending machine, you must ensure that IBM MQ Server is correctly installed. The queue manager on the sending machine cannot be created remotely. It must be created locally on the sending machine.

About this task

In this part of the tutorial, you will create a queue manager QM_ORANGE on the sending machine. We can perform this task using either of the following interfaces:

Creating the queue manager using IBM MQ Explorer on the sending machine

About this task

This process cannot be done remotely. It must be done locally on the sending machine:


  1. Start IBM MQ Explorer.
  2. In the Navigator view, right-click the Queue Managers folder, then click New > Queue Manager The Create Queue Manager wizard opens.
  3. In the Queue Manager name field, type QM_ORANGE.
  4. Click Next twice to go to the Enter configuration options section of the wizard.
  5. Select Create server-connection channel.
  6. Ensure that Automatic is selected from the Select type of queue manager startup option.
  7. Click Next to go to the Enter listener options section of the wizard.
  8. Ensure that the Create listener configured for TCP/IP check box is selected.
  9. If the Finish button is not available, type another port number in the Listen on port number field. If the current value is 1414, try typing 1415 or 1416
  10. Click Finish.


An icon representing this queue manager is displayed in the Queue Managers folder in the Navigator view of IBM MQ Explorer, and the queue manager automatically starts running after you create it.

Creating the sending queue manager using MQSC

About this task

Open a command prompt on the sending machine and follow these steps:


  1. Create a default queue manager called QM_ORANGE by typing the command:
    crtmqm QM_ORANGE
    Messages tell you that the queue has been created and that the default IBM MQ objects have been created.
  2. Start this queue manager by typing the command:
    strmqm QM_ORANGE
    A message tells you when the queue manager has started.


You have now created the sending queue manager.