Samples for IBM MQ client for HP Integrity NonStop Server

The techniques demonstrated by the sample programs for the IBM MQ client on HP Integrity NonStop Server systems.

Table 1 lists which C, COBOL, and pTAL source sample programs are provided.
Table 1. IBM MQ on HP Integrity NonStop Server sample programs demonstrating use of C, COBOL, and pTAL
Technique C COBOL pTAL
  OSS (Source) OSS (Executable) Guardian (Source) Guardian (Executable) OSS (Source) Guardian (Source) OSS (Source) Guardian (Source)
Use the publish/subscribe interface amqspuba.c amqssbxa.c amqssuba.c amqspse0.c amqspubc amqssbxc amqssubc MQSPUBC MQSSBXC MQSSUBC AMQSPUBC AMQSSBXC AMQSSUBC amq0pub0.cbl amq0sub0.cbl MQSPUBL MQSSUBL amqtpub0.tal amqtsub0.tal MQSPUBT MQSSUBT
Putting messages using the MQPUT call amqsput0.c amqsputc MQSPUTC AMQSPUTC amq0put0.cbl MQSPUTL amqtput0.tal MQSPUTT
Putting a single message using the MQPUT1 call amqsecha.c amqsechc MQSECHC AMQSECHC     amqtech0.tal MQSECHT
Putting messages to a distribution list amqsptl0.c amqsptlc MQSPTLC AMQSPTLC amq0ptl0.cbl MQSPTLL    
Replying to a request message amqsinqa.c amqsinqc MQSINQC AMQSINQC        
Get messages (no wait) amqsgbr0.c amqsgbrc MQSGBRC AMQSGBRC amq0gbr0.cbl MQSGBRL    
Get messages (wait with a time limit) amqsget0.c amqsgetc MQSGETC AMQSGETC amq0get0.cbl MQSGETL amqtget0.tal MQSGETT
Get messages (unlimited wait) amqstrg0.c amqstrgc MQSTRGC AMQSTRGC        
Get messages (with data conversion) amqsecha.c amqsechc MQSECHC AMQSECHC        
Putting Reference Messages to a queue amqsprma.c amqsprmc MQSPRMC AMQSPRMC        
Get Reference Messages from a queue amqsgrma.c amqsgrmc MQSGRMC AMQSGRMC        
Reference Message channel exit amqsqrma.c amqsxrma.c   MQSQRMC MQSXRMC          
Browsing first 20 characters of a message amqsgbr0.c amqsgbrc MQSGBRC AMQSGBRC amq0gbr0.cbl MQSGBRL    
Browsing complete messages amqsbcg0.c amqsbcgc MQSBCGC AMQSBCGC        
Use a shared input queue amqsinqa.c amqsinqc MQSINQC MQSINQC        
Use an exclusive input queue amqstrg0.c amqstrgc MQSTRGC AMQSTRGC        
Use the MQINQ call amqsinqa.c amqsinqc MQSINQC AMQSINQC        
Use the MQSET call amqsseta.c amqssetc MQSSETC AMQSSETC        
Use a reply-to queue amqsreq0.c amqsreqc MQSREQC AMQSREQC amq0req0.cbl MQSREQL    
Requesting message exceptions amqsreq0.c amqsreqc MQSREQC AMQSREQC amq0req0.cbl MQSREQL    
Accepting a truncated message amqsgbr0.c amqsgbrc MQSGBRC AMQSGBRC amq0gbr0.cbl MQSGBRL    
Use a resolved queue name amqsgbr0.c amqsgbrc MQSGBRC AMQSGBRC amq0gbr0.cbl MQSGBRL    
Triggering a process amqstrg0.c amqstrgc MQSTRGC AMQSTRGC        
Use data conversion amqsvfc0.c              
Dead letter queue handler ( 1 ) Directory ./samp/dlq              
Connecting to a queue manager using MQCONNX amqscnxc.c amqscnxc MQSCNXC          
Use API exits amqsaxe0.c amqsaem0.c              
Cluster workload balancing exit amqswlm0.c   MQSWLMC          
Cluster queue monitor amqsclma.c              
Putting messages asynchronously and getting status using the MQSTAT call amqsapt0.c amqsaptc MQSAPTC MQSAPTC        
Reconnectable clients amqsghac.c amqsmhac.c amqsphac.c amqsghac amqsmhac amqsphac MQSGHAC MQSMHAC MQSPHAC MQSFHAC AMQSGHAC AMQSMHAC AMQSPHAC AMQSFHAC        
Use the message consumers to asynchronously consume messages from multiple queues amqscbf0.c amqscbfc            
Specifying TLS connection information on MQCONNX amqssslc.c amqssslc MQSSSLC AMQSSSLC        
Activity trace amqsact0.c amqsactc MQSACTC AMQSACTC        
Message properties amqsiqma.c amqsstma.c amqsiqmc amqsstmc MQSIQMC MQSSTMC AMQSIQMC AMQSSTMC        
Command server amqsstop.c   MQSSTOC          
Log events amqslog0.c amqslogc MQSLOGC AMQSLOGC        
Accounting amqsmon0.c amqsmonc MQSMONC AMQSMONC        
Administration interface amqsaicq.c amqsaiem.c amqsailq.c              
An example of a C language main function for invoking pTAL     MQSPTMC          
  1. The source for the dead-letter queue handler consists of several files and is provided in a separate directory.
  2. For information about developing applications for your IBM MQ client on the HP Integrity NonStop Server platform, see: