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ARM policies

The Automatic Restart Manager policies are user-defined rules that control ARM functions that can control any restarts of a queue manager.

ARM functions are controlled by a user-defined ARM policy. Each z/OS® image running a queue manager instance that is to be restarted by ARM must be connected to an ARM couple data set with an active ARM policy.

IBM® provides a default ARM policy. We can define new policies, or override the policy defaults by using the administrative data utility (IXCMIAPU) provided with z/OS. The z/OS MVS Setting up a Sysplex manual describes this utility, and includes full details of how to define an ARM policy.

Figure 1 shows an example of an ARM policy. This sample policy restarts any queue manager within a sysplex, if either the queue manager failed, or a whole system failed.

Figure 1. Sample ARM policy
RESTART_ATTEMPTS(0)  /* Jobs not to be restarted by ARM  */
ELEMENT(SYSMQMGRMQ*)  /* These jobs to be restarted by ARM */
For more information see:

Defining an ARM policy

Set up your ARM policy as follows:

Activating an ARM policy

To start your automatic restart management policy, issue the following z/OS command:


When the policy is started, all systems connected to the ARM couple data set use the same active policy.

Use the SETXCF STOP command to disable automatic restarts.

Registering with ARM

IBM MQ registers automatically as an ARM element during queue manager startup (subject to ARM availability). It deregisters during its shutdown phase, unless requested not to.

At startup, the queue manager determines whether ARM is available. If it is, IBM MQ registers using the name SYSMQMGR ssid, where ssid is the four character queue manager name, and SYSMQMGR is the element type.

The STOP QMGR MODE(QUIESCE) and STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) commands deregister the queue manager from ARM (if it was registered with ARM at startup). This prevents ARM restarting this queue manager. The STOP QMGR MODE(RESTART) command does not deregister the queue manager from ARM, so it is eligible for immediate automatic restart.

Each channel initiator address space determines whether ARM is available, and if so registers with the element name SYSMQCH ssid, where ssid is the queue manager name, and SYSMQCH is the element type.

The channel initiator is always deregistered from ARM when it stops normally, and remains registered only if it ends abnormally. The channel initiator is always deregistered if the queue manager fails.