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Managing the coupling facility

Use this topic to understand how to add or remove coupling facility (CF) structures.

This section describes the following tasks:

Add a coupling facility structure

To add a coupling facility structure, use the following procedure:
  1. Define the CF structure in the CFRM policy data set.The information about setting up the coupling facility in Set up the coupling facility describes the rules for naming coupling facility structures, and how to define structures in the CFRM policy data set.
  2. If you want to configure the structure to offload message data to SMDS, allocate and preformat data sets. See creating a shared message data set for details.
  3. Define the structure to IBM MQ using the DEFINE CFSTRUCT command.

Removing a coupling facility structure

To remove a coupling facility structure, use the following procedure:
  1. Use the following command to get a list of all the queues using the coupling facility structure to delete:
  2. Delete all the queues that use the structure.
  3. Delete the CF structure from IBM MQ using the DELETE CFSTRUCT command.
  4. If the structure was configured to offload message data to SMDS, delete the SMDS.
  5. Remove the structure definition from your CFRM policy data set and run the IXCMIAPU utility. (This is the reverse of the customization task set up the coupling facility, described in Set up the coupling facility.)