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Deploy resources with Admin Center

We can use the Deploy tool to install Liberty profile server package (archive) files on hosts within a collective. Then, use the Explore tool to manage the servers.

After you define the Liberty profile collective and create the server package, use the Deploy tool to install the server package on hosts within the collective.

See Example: Configure a collective controller, registering a host, creating a server package, and deploying the server package for an example of deploying a server package to a localhost Windows computer.

  1. Go to the Deploy tool.

    • From the Toolbox, select


    • From details on hosts in the Explore tool, select

      > one_or_more_host_names > Deploy Server Package.

    To directly launch the Deploy tool in the future, we can use the URL that is shown in the browser when viewing the Deploy tool.

  2. For Target Hosts, select the host computers on which to install the server package. Move target hosts from Available hosts to Selected hosts.

    Each target host must be registered with the collective managed by Admin Center. See Register host computers with a Liberty collective.

  3. For Server Package, select whether to upload a server package file or use a server package file on a collective controller. Then, specify the file path.

  4. For Target Directory, specify a target directory for the Liberty profile installation. If the directory exists, it must be empty. If the directory does not exist, the product creates it as file system permissions permit.

    For server package ZIP or JAR formats, specify the installation directory. For example, specify /home/user1/liberty for the product to upload the server package to /home/user1 and unzip to the liberty directory.

    For server package PAX formats, specify the installation directory and PAX file name. For example, specify /home/user1/liberty/package_name.pax for the product to expand the archive to the /home/user1/liberty/package_name.pax directory.

    The RPC user of each target host must have read and write access to the parent of the installation directory.

  5. For KeyStore Password, specify a password to protect newly generated keystorefiles containing server authentication credentials. The same password is used for all deployed servers.

    The product generates keystorefiles in the resources directory of each deployed server.

  6. For Remote Management Credentials, specify how the collective controller will connect to each target host to remotely manage the deployed servers.

    • If all target hosts are registered with the collective controller, we can choose the default option, Use the connection method and credentials configured for each target host.

      Restriction: We cannot use the Use the connection method and credentials configured for each target host option to deploy an or earlier server package. The server package must support Liberty profile or later.

    • If all target hosts support SSH, we can choose Use automatically-generated SSH keys for each server.

    • If any target host runs on a Windows operating system or otherwise does not support SSH, or if we do not want to use SSH keys, choose Use the following operating system user name and password on each target host and specify the operating system login user name and password. The operating system user must possess file system privileges for operating Liberty profile servers in the installation. All files in a deployed installation are owned by the operating system user who registered the respective target host with the collective. Specifying a different operating system user for Remote Management Credentials does not change ownership of the files.

  7. For Password, specify the password that we used to log in to Admin Center. The operation to join the deployed servers to the collective is run with the Liberty administrative user name and password.

  8. Select Deploy.


The Deploy action runs. Select

on a desktop or tablet, or

on a smartphone, for status on the deployment.

Example: Configure a collective controller, registering a host, creating a server package, and deploying the server package

This example describes how to install a Liberty profile server package on a Windows host within a collective using the Deploy tool.

Configure a collective controller, register a host with the collective controller, and package a server before using the Deploy tool.

What to do next

For details about the status of the deployment on a desktop or tablet, select

on the title bar.

To view the status on a smartphone, select


On the Background Tasks page, we can view a summary of all running background tasks and access a detailed history of running, stopped, and completed background tasks. See Monitoring background tasks.