Logging in to Admin Center
After the Admin Center web application starts, we can point a web browser at Admin Center and log in. After logging in, the first page shown is the Toolbox.
Ensure that we have a browser that supports Admin Center.
- For browsing the Admin Center on a computer: Firefox ESR 24, Firefox 29, Chrome 35, Safari 7, or Internet Explorer 11 browser (for best experience, use Chrome or Firefox browser)
- For browsing the Admin Center on an iPhone or iPad: Safari browser on iOS 6.x or 7.x
- For browsing the Admin Center on an Android mobile device: Chrome browser on Android 4.2 or 4.3
- Point a web browser at Admin Center.
For host_name, specify the IP address or DNS host name of the computer on which the Liberty server is running. Specify localhost only if the browser is running on the same computer as the server.
For port_number, specify the httpsPort value in server.xml. For example:
https://localhost:9443/adminCenter/ https://myhost.xyz.com:9443/adminCenter/
- If the browser prompts you to confirm that the connection is trusted, specify an exception or otherwise enable the connection to continue to Admin Center.
- Log in to Admin Center.
When we configured server.xml of the server to enable Admin Center, you defined one or more user names and passwords authorized to access the Admin Center. To log in to Admin Center, specify an authorized user name and password.
For example, specify the user name admin and the password adminpwd.
What to do next
When we first access the Toolbox, it has the Explore tool and a bookmark to WASdev.net. The Toolbox also has the Deploy tool if Admin Center is run on a collective controller. The Deploy tool is not available if Admin Center is run on a stand-alone server.
To add or remove tools and bookmarks, select
and use the Tool Catalog to customize your user-specific Toolbox.
To view a tool, select its Toolbox icon or directly launch the tool using the URL that is shown in the browser when viewing the tool. For example, to directly launch the Explore tool, use a URL such as https://localhost:9443/adminCenter/#com.ibm.websphere.appserver.adminCenter.tool.explore-1.0-1.0.0.
Later, to log out of Admin Center, select
> Log out user_name.
Customize the Toolbox Related information: