Uninstall Liberty from distributed operating systems using the command line
We can unWAS Liberty Core using the Installation Manager command line.
- Log on to the system.
- Stop all servers and applications on the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core installation.
- Change to the eclipse/tools subdirectory in the directory where you installed Installation Manager.
- Use the imcl command to uninstall the offering.
imcl.exe uninstall com.ibm.websphere.liberty.v85 -installationDirectory installation_directory
./imcl uninstall com.ibm.websphere.liberty.v85 -installationDirectory installation_directory
- Use the imcl modify command to add or remove features.
- When we uninstall the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core package, we must uninstall all the packages under the same package group that are extensions to the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core package. IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition v7.0 for Liberty is such an extension.
Go to the IBM Installation Manager Information Center for more information.
- Optional: Uninstall IBM Installation Manager.
Important: Before we can uninstall IBM Installation Manager, we must uninstall all of the packages that were installed by Installation Manager.
Read the IBM Installation Manager Information Center for information about using the uninstall script to perform this procedure.
Parent topic: Install Liberty on distributed operating systemsTasks:
Install Installation Manager and prepare to install Liberty
Install Liberty on distributed operating systems using the GUI
Install Liberty on distributed operating systems using the command line
Install Liberty on distributed operating systems using response files
Add and remove features from Liberty on distributed operating systems
Uninstall Liberty from distributed operating systems using the GUI
Uninstall Liberty from distributed operating systems using response files
Upgrading Liberty on distributed operating systems using the GUI
Create custom installation repositories with IBM Packaging Utility
Use the launchpad to start Liberty installations
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