Add and remove features from Liberty on distributed operating systems
We can use Installation Manager to install and remove WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core features.
Ensure that the Installation Manager preferences are pointing to the appropriate web-based or local repositories containing WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core.
We can use the Installation Manager to install or remove features using one of the following procedures:
- Use the GUI
- Use a silent response file
We can record this response file using the GUI and Installation Manager's record mode, or we can manually create or modify a response file to suit the needs.
- Use the imcl command-line tool
Go to the IBM Installation Manager Information Center for more information.
- Stop all servers and applications on the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core installation that is being modified.
- Start Installation Manager.
- Click Modify.
- Select the package group to modify.
- Click Next.
If we are prompted to authenticate, use the IBM ID and password that you registered with on the program website.
- Expand IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core.
- Select the appropriate checkbox to install a feature, or clear the appropriate checkbox to remove a feature if you already have it installed.
- Embeddable EJB container and JPA client
This option installs the embeddable EJB container and JPA client.
The embeddable EJB container is a Java archive (JAR) file for running enterprise beans in a standalone Java Platform, Standard Edition (SE) environment. We can run enterprise beans using this embeddable container outside the application server. The embeddable EJB container is a part of the EJB 3.1 specification and is primarily used for unit testing enterprise beans business logic.
The JPA client can be used with the embeddable EJB container to provide Java Persistence API capability in a Java SE environment.
- Click Next.
- Review the summary information, and click Modify.
- If the modification is successful, the program displays a message indicating that installation is successful.
- If the modification is not successful, click View Log File to troubleshoot the problem.
- Click Finish.
- Click File > Exit to close Installation Manager.
In the following examples, the optional feature offering names are enclosed in parentheses; for example: Embeddable EJB container and JPA client (embeddablecontainer)
Example of a response file that adds a feature to an installation:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <agent-input clean='true' temporary='true'> <server> <repository location=''/> </server> <install modify='true'> <offering id='' profile='WebSphere Liberty V8.5' features='embeddablecontainer'/> </install> <profile id='WebSphere Liberty V8.5' installLocation='C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Liberty'> </profile> </agent-input>
Example of the imcl command that is modified to add features to an installation:
imcl.exe modify -addFeatures embeddablecontainer -repositories -installationDirectory C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Liberty -secureStorageFile C:\ -masterPasswordFile C:\master_password_file.txtWhen we use Installation Manager v1.6.2 and later, we should use the -secureStorageFile and -masterPasswordFile options to store credentials in a credential-storage file. In versions of Installation Manager earlier than v1.6.2, the -keyring and -password options were used to access credentials in a keyring file. These options were deprecated in v1.6.2. There is no migration path from keyring files to storage files because of the differences in the file structures. For more information on using the -secureStorageFile and -masterPasswordFile options to store credentials in a credential-storage file, see the Installation Manager Version 1.6 Information Center. For more information on using the -keyring and -password options to store credentials in a keyring file, see the Installation Manager Version 1.5 Information Center.
- Example of the imcl command that is modified to remove a feature from an installation:
imcl.exe modify -removeFeatures embeddablecontainer -repositories -installationDirectory C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Liberty -secureStorageFile C:\ -masterPasswordFile C:\master_password_file.txt
Parent topic: Install Liberty on distributed operating systemsTasks:
Install Installation Manager and prepare to install Liberty
Install Liberty on distributed operating systems using the GUI
Install Liberty on distributed operating systems using the command line
Install Liberty on distributed operating systems using response files
Uninstall Liberty from distributed operating systems using the GUI
Uninstall Liberty from distributed operating systems using the command line
Uninstall Liberty from distributed operating systems using response files
Upgrading Liberty on distributed operating systems using the GUI
Create custom installation repositories with IBM Packaging Utility
Use the launchpad to start Liberty installations
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