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Configure local JMX connection to the Liberty profile

We can access the local Java Management Extensions (JMX) connector on the Liberty profile. The local connector is enabled through the Liberty feature localConnector-1.0.

The local connector is enabled through the Liberty feature localConnector-1.0. Local access is protected by the policy implemented by the SDK in use, which require that the client runs on the same host as the Liberty profile, and under the same user ID.

An application deployed on the Liberty profile has unrestricted access to its MBeanServer directory.

  1. Enable the local connector using the following code in server.xml.


  2. Access the local connector using the JConsole tool or...


  3. For the JConsole tool, select the local process ws-server.jar defaultServer from the connection panel then click Connect.

Alternatively, use a JMX client installed on the same host.

Parent topic: Access local and JMX REST connectors