

Uninstall the Confluence connector from a console

You can uninstall the IBM Lotus Connections Connector for Confluence from a non-graphical console interface.

The console interface displays the same options as the graphical uninstallation wizard, except in text form.

  1. To launch the program for uninstalling the Confluence connector from the console interface, do one of the following:

    • Microsoft Windows

      Enter the following command from the root of the Confluence connector setup directory:

      uninstaller.exe -console

    • Linux

      1. Open a command prompt and change to the Confluence connector setup directory:


      2. Enter the following command:

        ./uninstaller.bin -console

    • AIX

      1. Open a command prompt and change to the Confluence connector setup directory:


      2. Enter the following command:

        ./uninstaller.bin -console

  2. Navigate through the wizard by selecting the required options and pressing Enter.

  3. When you are finished, enter


    and press Enter.

Uninstall the Lotus Connections Connector for Confluence


Related tasks

Install the Confluence connector from a console


Related reference

Accessibility features for installing Lotus Connections


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