

Migrate a pilot deployment to a production deployment


The migration process requires a new WebSphere Application Server and database environment to host the production deployment.

During migration, Lotus Connections features are still available on the pilot, except for a short time during the database transfer process. You do not need to stop the WebSphere Application Server instances that host features on the pilot.

Create a backup copy of the existing pilot deployment database using native DB2 Express tools. This backup is useful if you want to keep an archive of information created by users during the Lotus Connections evaluation phase.

Create production databases to support the features you plan to install in the production environment.

If you plan to create a Profiles database as part of this migration process, do not populate the Profiles database. The Profiles database is populated as part of the migration.

Prepare the production databases to accept data migrated from the pilot databases: Remove constraints from the production databases by executing the following SQL scripts for the features that you are migrating:

If the database server and Lotus Connections are on different systems, copy the following libraries from the database server to the system hosting Lotus Connections:

Repeat the following procedures for each feature that you are migrating:

  1. Run SQL scripts to remove constraints

    • DB2:

      1. Log in as the administrator.

      2. For each feature, change to the where the feature scripts are stored and enter the appropriate commands, as shown in the following table:

        DB2 commands for removing constraints

        Feature Directory DB2 commands
        Activities /connections.sql/activities/db db2 -tvf predbxfer25.sql
        Blogs /connections.sql/blogs/db2 db2 -tvf predbxfer25.sql
        Communities /connections.sql/communities/db2 db2 -tvf predbxfer25.sql db2 -tvf predbxfer25_forum.sql
        Dogear /connections.sql/dogear/db2 db2 -tvf predbxfer25.sql
        Files /connections.sql/files/db2 db2 -tvf predbxfer25.sql
        Home page /connections.sql/homepage/db2 db2 -tvf predbxfer25.sql
        Profiles /connections.sql/profiles/db2 db2 -tvf predbxfer25.sql
        Wikis /connections.sql/wikis/db2 db2 -tvf predbxfer25.sql

    • Oracle:

      1. Change to the containing the scripts, as shown in the following table.

      2. For each feature, enter the following commands and then run the appropriate scripts:

          sqlplus /NOLOG conn system/<password>@<sid>

        where <password> is the password for the user "system" and <sid> is the Oracle System Identifier for Lotus Connections.

        Oracle commands for removing constraints

        Feature Directory Oracle commands
        Activities /connections.sql/activities/oracle @predbxfer25.sql
        Blogs /connections.sql/blogs/oracle @predbxfer25.sql
        Communities /connections.sql/communities/oracle @predbxfer25.sql @predbxfer25_forum.sql
        Dogear /connections.sql/dogear/oracle @predbxfer25.sql
        Files /connections.sql/files/oracle @predbxfer25.sql
        Home page /connections.sql/homepage/oracle @predbxfer25.sql
        Profiles /connections.sql/profiles/oracle @predbxfer25.sql
        Wikis /connections.sql/wikis/oracle @predbxfer25.sql

    • SQL Server 2005

      1. Login in as administrator

      2. Change to the containing the scripts

      3. For each feature, run the appropriate scripts by entering the commands shown in the following table:

        In these commands, <password> is the password for the SQL Server user "sa". If your database server has multiple SQL Server instances installed, add the following parameter as the first parameter to each command in the table:


        SQL Server commands for removing constraints

        Feature Directory SQL Server commands
        Activities /connections.sql/activities/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i predbxfer25.sql
        Blogs /connections.sql/blogs/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i predbxfer25.sql
        Communities /connect ons.sql/communities/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i predbxfer25.sql
        sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i predbxfer25_forum.sql"
        Dogear /connections.sql/dogear/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i predbxfer25.sql
        Files /connections.sql/files/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i predbxfer25.sql
        Home page /connections.sql/homepage/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i predbxfer25.sql
        Profiles /connections.sql/profiles/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i predbxfer25.sql
        Home page /connections.sql/wikis/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i predbxfer25.sql

  2. Transfer data to the production databases, using the database transfer tool:

    1. Copy the dbt.jar file from...


      ..to <DBT_HOME> on the production database server, where <DBT_HOME> is the path to the directory that contains the dbt.jar file.

    2. Create an XML configuration file under <DBT_HOME>:

      <dbTransfer xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
      <database role="source"  
                userId="database admin user ID" 
                dbType="< dbType >"/>
      <database role="target" 
                userId="database admin user ID"  
                dbType="< dbType > "/>

      where <JDBC_driver> is one of the following types:

        DB2 com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
        Oracle oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
        SQL Server com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver

      where <JDBC_url> is one of the following types:

        DB2 jdbc:db2://<host_IP>:<port>/<feature_database_name>
        Oracle jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host_IP>:<port>:<SID>
        SQL Server jdbc:sqlserver://<host_IP>:<port>;databaseName=<feature_database_name>

      where <feature_database_name> is one of the following:

      where <feature_db_schema> is one of the following:

      where <dbType> is one of the following:

        DB2 DB2
        Oracle oracle
        SQL Server sqlserver2005

    3. Prepare the DB2 JDBC driver of the pilot database for transfer: Copy the JDBC driver from the pilot database to the production database server.

    4. Prepare the JDBC driver of the production databases for transfer:

      • DB2:

        • Use the JDBC driver on the production database server.

      • Oracle:

        • Use the JDBC driver on the production database server.

      • SQL Server

        • Use the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC 1.1 driver. Download the SQL Server 2005 JDBC 1.2 driver from the Microsoft Web site and follow the instructions to extract the driver files.

    5. To perform the data transfer, run the dbt.jar file:

      • Linux

        <JAVA_HOME>/bin/java" -cp <DBT_HOME>/dbt.jar:
                              -logDir <DBT_HOME>/logs 
                              -xmlfile <DBT_HOME>/<dbt_config_file_name> 
                              -sourcepassword <source_db_password> 
                              -targetpassword <target_db_password>

        where <dbt_config_file_name> is the name of the XML configuration file you created for the dbt.jar file, and <logs> is the where log files are stored. Create the <logs> before running this file.

      • Windows

        "<JAVA_HOME>\bin\java" -cp <DBT_HOME>\dbt.jar;
                               -logDir <DBT_HOME>\logs 
                               -xmlfile <DBT_HOME>/<dbt_config_file_name> 
                               -sourcepassword <source_db_password> 
                               -targetpassword <target_db_password>

      where <dbt_config_file_name> is the name of the XML configuration file you created for the dbt.jar file, and <logs> is the where log files are stored.

      When the transfer is complete, you can restart the pilot features to minimize service downtime.

      Data that is generated after restarting the pilot is not migrated to the new environment.

  3. Reapply constraints to the production feature databases by performing the procedures in the following table for the feature databases you migrated:

    • DB2:

      1. Log in as the administrator.

      2. For each feature, change to the where the feature script is stored and enter the appropriate commands for each feature, as shown in the following table:

        DB2 commands for reapplying constraints

        Feature Directory DB2 commands
        Activities /connections.sql/activities/db2 db2 -tvf postdbxfer25.sql db2 -tvf clearScheduler.sql
        Blogs /connections.sql/blogs/db2 db2 -tvf postdbxfer25.sql
        Communities /connections.sql/communities/db2 db2 -tvf postdbxfer25.sql db2 -tvf postdbxfer25_forum.sql db2 -tvf clearScheduler.sql
        Dogear /connections.sql/dogear/db2 db2 -tvf postdbxfer25.sql
        Files /connections.sql/files/db2 db2 -tvf postdbxfer25.sql
        Home page /connections.sql/homepage/db2 db2 -tvf postdbxfer25.sql db2 -tvf clearScheduler.sql
        Profiles /connections.sql/profiles/db2 db2 -tvf postdbxfer25.sql
        Wikis /connections.sql/wikis/db2 db2 -tvf postdbxfer25.sql

      3. Delete the SR_FILESCONTENT table.

        1. Create a new SQL script with the following content:




          CONNECT RESET;

        2. Save the script as delSRfilesContent.sql on the system hosting the database server.

        3. From the DB2 command-line processor, run the script with the following command:

          db2 -tvf delSRfilesContent.sql

    • Oracle:

      1. Change to the containing the scripts, as shown in the following table.

      2. For each feature, enter the following commands and then run the appropriate scripts:

          sqlplus /NOLOG conn system/<password>@<sid>

        where <password> is the password for the user "system" and <sid> is the Oracle System Identifier for Lotus Connections.

        Oracle commands for reapplying constraints

        Feature Directory Oracle commands
        Activities /connections.sql/@postdbxfer25.sqlactivities/oracle @postdbxfer25.sql @clearScheduler.sql
        Blogs /connections.sql/blogs/oracle @postdbxfer25.sql
        Communities /connections.sql/communities/oracle @postdbxfer25.sql @postdbxfer25_forum.sql @clearScheduler.sql
        Dogear /connections.sql/dogear/oracle @postdbxfer25.sql
        Files /connections.sql/files/oracle @postdbxfer25.sql
        Home page /connections.sql/homepage/oracle @postdbxfer25.sql @clearScheduler.sql
        Profiles /connections.sql/profiles/oracle @postdbxfer25.sql
        Wikis /connections.sql/wikis/oracle @postdbxfer25.sql

      3. Delete the SR_FILESCONTENT table.

        1. Create a new SQL script with the following content:




        2. Save the script as delSRfilesContent.sql on the system hosting the database server.

        3. Run the script with the following command:


    • SQL Server 2005

      1. Login in as administrator

      2. Change to the containing the scripts

      3. For each feature, run the appropriate scripts by entering the commands shown in the following table:

        In these commands, <password> is the password for the SQL Server user "sa". If your database server has multiple SQL Server instances installed, add the following parameter as the first parameter to each command in the table:


        SQL Server commands for reapplying constraints

        Feature Directory SQL Server commands
        Activities /connections.sql/activities/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i postdbxfer25.sql
        sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i clearScheduler.sql"
        Blogs /connections.sql/blogs/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i postdbxfer25.sql
        Communities /connect ons.sql/communities/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i postdbxfer25.sql
        sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i postdbxfer25_forum.sql
        sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i clearScheduler.sql
        Dogear /connections.sql/dogear/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i postdbxfer25.sql
        Files /connections.sql/files/sqlserver "sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i postdbxfer25.sql"
        Home page /connections.sql/homepage/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i postdbxfer25.sql
        sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i clearScheduler.sql
        Profiles /connections.sql/profiles/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i postdbxfer25.sql
        Wikis /connections.sql/wikis/sqlserver sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i postdbxfer25.sql

      4. Delete the SR_FILESCONTENT table.

        1. Create a new SQL script with the following content:

          USE HOMEPAGE;

        2. Save the script as delSRfilesContent.sql on the system hosting the database server.

        3. Run the script with the following command:

          "sqlcmd -U sa -P <password> -i delSRfilesContent.sql"

  4. Install a production version of Lotus Connections. See the Setting up a stand-alone deployment topic in the Lotus Connections information center.

  5. Synchronize the LDAP UID properties by updating the member IDs in the production database tables. For more information, see the Synchronizing IDs between LDAP and the feature databases topic.

  6. Export Lotus Connections pilot application artifacts:

    1. Stop the WebSphere Application Server instances that host the pilot features.

    2. Copy the migration tool from the Lotus Connections 2.5 installation to the pilot's WebSphere Application Server node. The migration tool is located in the migration subfolder of the production installation

    3. Open a command prompt and cd to the migration

    4. Run the command

      migration.bat <lc_pilot_25_home_path> lc-export

      where <lc_pilot_25_home_path> is the path to the pilot installation (for example: C:\Progra~1\IBM\LotusConnections). This command creates a subfolder called migrationData, where the pilot artifacts are stored.

    5. Move the migrationData to the WebSphere Application Server node that will host your Lotus Connections 2.5 production features.

  7. Import Lotus Connections Pilot application artifacts:

    1. Open a command prompt and cd to the migrationData that you moved to the WebSphere Application Server node for 2.5.

    2. Run the following command to import the pilot application artifacts to the production environment.

      • AIX/Linux:

          ./migration.sh <lc_production_25_home_path> lc-import

      • Microsoft Windows:

          migration.bat <lc_production_25_home_path> lc-import

        where <lc_production_25_home_path> is the path to the 2.5 installation.

  8. Remove the pilot installation.

  9. Optional: After migrating users from the pilot to the production deployment, you can add more LDAP users to the production database. For more information, see the Populating the Profiles database topic.


Related tasks

Migrate a pilot to a production deployment
Install a network deployment
Create a user information file
Add actual users to the pilot
Create the feature databases
Install a stand-alone deployment
Remove a pilot deployment


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