

Create a user information file for pilot deployments



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The pilot deployment uses the WAS identity manager (WIM) to provide a sample user repository.

You can populate the pilot user repository by specifying a user information file during installation. A user information file is a text file with attributes that define the users.

This procedure is essential if you plan to migrate the pilot to a production deployment because the LDAP in the production deployment requires actual user data.

You can add user data during or after installation.

Create a user information file

  1. Open a text editor application.

  2. Enter information about each user on a single line....


  3. For each user that you add, provide the following name-value pairs:

      uid Unique ID for logging into Lotus Connections. For example:

      pwd Encrypted password for the user and stored in the WIM file. Example:

      cn Common name (given name and family name) of the user. For example:

        cn=John Doe

      This field supports non-ASCII characters

      sn Surname (family name) of the user. For example:

        sn= Doe

      This field supports non-ASCII characters

      mail E-mail address of the user. For example:


      To migrate user data from the pilot deployment to a production deployment, the email addresses for actual users must already exist in your LDAP

    The full entry for a user with all attributes is shown in the following example:

    uid=jdoe,pwd=passw0rd,cn=John Doe,sn=Doe,mail=john_doe@example.com

  4. Optional: For each user that you include in the file, you can add one or more of the following additional attributes:

    Option Description
    description Job description.
    displayName Screen name.

    A syntax of last name, first name is not supported because the comma is a value pair delimiter.

    facsimileTelephoneNumber Business fax number.
    givenName User's first name.
    manager The unique ID (PROF_UID) of the user's manager. For example: manager=jdoe
    mobile User's phone number. For example: mobile=12345678
    pager Business pager number.
    secretary The unique ID (PROF_UID) of the user's assistant. For example:


    telephoneNumber Business phone number.

  5. Save and close the text file using UTF-8 encoding. Make a note of its location.



This is a sample user data text file:

### Lotus Connections pilot installation user data text file
uid=jdoe,pwd=passw0rd,cn=John Doe,sn=Doe,mail=john_doe@example.com
uid=mdoe,pwd=f00bar,cn=Mary Doe,sn=Doe,mail=mary_doe@example.com, description=Sales Manager
uid=bdoe,pwd=barf00,cn=Robert Doe,sn=Doe,mail=robert_doe@example.com, displayName=Bob Doe
uid=jgreen,pwd=pword1,cn=John Green,sn=Green,mail=john_green@example.com, givenName=Jack
uid=jbrown,pwd=secretpword,cn=John Brown,sn=Brown,mail=john_brown@example.com, manager=mdoe
uid=jblack,pwd=apw0rd,cn=John Black,sn= Black,mail=john_black@example.com, telephoneNumber=1234567890

When you run the pilot installation wizard, use this file to add actual user data to Lotus Connections. Alternatively, you can add the actual user data after installation.

Install a pilot deployment

Next topic:

Install the pilot deployment


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Migrating a pilot deployment

Install the pilot deployment

Using Single sign-on LTPA keys