

Add a link to the footer



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The content of the footer is defined in the footer.html file.

There are parts of the footer that you should not edit or you risk limiting the basic functionality of the footer. These items include:

To add a link to the footer...

  1. Make a copy of the footer.html template file...


    ..where feature_name.war is one of the following files...

      Activities oawebui.war
      Blogs blogs.war
      Bookmarks dogear.webui.war
      Communities comm.web.war
      Files qkr.share.files.war
      Home page dboard.war
      News news.web.war
      Profiles peoplepages.war
      Search search.war
      Wikis qkr.share.wiki.war

    The footer.html file is the same for each feature. You only need to make a copy of one instance of the footer.html file.

  2. Copy footer.html to the doc root of your IHS server. For example...


  3. Open the copy of the footer.html file stored on the IBM HTTP Server in a text editor.

  4. Determine the section of the footer to which you want to add your link.

    • To add a link to your company's help page, edit the Help section...

          <ul id="lotusFooterULHelp">
            {{ footerlink.help.help }}
            {{ footerlink.help.forums }}

    Add your company help link to the section by adding the link as an <li> element to the <td> block.

        <ul id="lotusFooterULHelp">
          {{ footerlink.help.help }}
          {{ footerlink.help.forums }}
            <a href="http://www.acme.com/help">Acme Help</a>

  5. To add a link to the Tools section of the footer, remove some of the markup in the default footer.html file to ensure that your link appears.

    Locate the <th> and <td> blocks for the Tools section, and remove the lconnFooterToolsHeader and lconnFooterToolsCell class attributes. For example, remove these attributes:

      <th class="lconnFooterToolsHeader">{{ label.footer.tools.heading }}</th>
      <td class="lconnFooterToolsCell"><ul id="lotusFooterULTools">

    <td class="lconnFooterToolsCell"><ul id="lotusFooterULTools">
             {{ footerlink.tools.browserplugins }}
             {{ footerlink.tools.adminpage }}
             {{ footerlink.tools.metrics }}
    <a href="http://mylink.com">Custom Link HERE </a>

  6. Save and close the footer.html file.

  7. To test whether your link was successfully added to the footer, open the footer.html file that you created in a Web browser by going to the following Web page, for example:


  8. Change the value of the style property in the Lotus Connections configuration file to reference the updated version of footer.html.

    1. Check out the common Lotus Connections configuration file

    2. Set the style property to point to the new footer file...

         LCConfigService.updateConfig("style.footer.url", "http://www.setgetweb.com/style/footer.html") LCConfigService.updateConfig("style.enabled","true")

    3. To view the change that you made...


    4. Apply the changes

Customizing the navigation bar and footer


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