Activities configuration properties
Edit Activities configuration properties to change the default behavior of the activities created by your users. The following table lists the Activities configuration properties that you can edit.
Activities configuration properties
Property Description activeContentFilter.enabled When enabled prevents the addition of active content (JavaScript for example) in any text input field. This property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false.
Disabling this filter introduces vulnerability to cross-site scripting (XSS) and other types of malicious attacks.
clusterScheduler.enabled Enables or disables the cluster scheduler.**
When enabled Activities scheduled tasks configured for the cluster scheduler will run.
This property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false.
jobs.30MinStats.scheduler Scheduler that runs the task which saves statistics for Activities to disk every 30 minutes.**
This property accepts a String value; the options are local, cluster, and to specify a specific server in a cluster, provide the following information: cell_name\<node_name>\server_name.
For example: Cell01\Node01\server1.
jobs.30MinStats.trigger.cronExpression Frequency with which one of the two scheduled tasks that saves Activities' statistics to disk runs.
This property accepts a chronological expression.*
jobs.AutoComplete.autoCompletionPeriod Time period in days that an Activity must be inactive before it is automatically completed.
This property accepts an Integer value.
jobs.AutoComplete.prenotification Determines if an Activity owner is notified by e-mail prior to an inactive Activity being automaticallycompleted.
This property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false.
jobs.AutoComplete.scheduler Scheduler that runs the task which automatically completes inactive Activities.**
This property accepts a String value; the options are local, cluster, and to specify a specific server in a cluster, provide the following information: cell_name\<node_name>\server_name.
For example: Cell01\Node01\server1.
jobs.AutoComplete.trigger.cronExpression Frequency with which the task that automatically completes inactive Activities runs.
This property accepts a chronological expression.*
jobs.DailyStats.scheduler Scheduler that runs the task which saves Activities' statistics to disk once a day.**
This property accepts a String value; the options are local, cluster, and to specify a specific server in a cluster, provide the following information: cell_name\<node_name>\server_name.
For example: Cell01\Node01\server1.
jobs.DailyStats.trigger.cronExpression Frequency with which one of the two scheduled tasks that saves Activities' statistics to disk runs.
This property accepts a chronological expression.*
jobs.DatabaseRuntimeStats.scheduler Scheduler that runs the task which periodically collects database statistics.**
This property accepts a String value; the options are local, cluster, and to specify a specific server in a cluster, provide the following information: cell_name\<node_name>\server_name.
For example: Cell01\Node01\server1.
jobs.DatabaseRuntimeStats.trigger.cronExpression Frequency with which the task that periodically collects database statistics runs.
This property accepts a chronological expression.*
jobs.TrashAutoPurge.daysRetention Number of days that data must have been deleted before being purged from the system.
This property accepts an Integer value.
jobs.TrashAutoPurge.scheduler Scheduler that runs the task that purges Activities data from the system.**
This property accepts a String value; the options are local, cluster, and to specify a specific server in a cluster, provide the following information: cell_name\<node_name>\server_name.
For example: Cell01\Node01\server1.
jobs.TrashAutoPurge.trigger.cronExpression Frequency with which the task that purges Activities data from the system runs.
This property accepts a chronological expression.*
localScheduler.enabled Enables or disables the local scheduler.**
This property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false.
objectStore.id This property cannot be modified by the Administrator using the ActivitiesConfigService.updateConfig command. It is configured initially during installation, and its value is displayed using the ActivitiesConfigService.showConfig command.
This property displays a String value of filesystem, which cannot be changed.
objectStore.maxConcurrentDownloads Number of threads that are simultaneously dedicated to servicing file download requests in the Activities server.
This property accepts an Integer value.
*For information one how to specify a chronological expression, see the following external Web site:
**Activities uses the open source Quartz scheduler. For more information about the Quartz scheduler, go to the following external Web site:
- Choosing a scheduler for a job
Edit configuration properties to assign jobs that complete common tasks to a scheduler.
Change configuration property values
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Checking out the Activities configuration files
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Apply property changes
Choosing a scheduler for a job
Securing features from malicious attack
Related tasks
Apply common configuration property changes
Lotus Connections configuration property values